Usually this can happen when you are owed money by an institution (bank, insurance, stocks, etc) and you either dont claim it, dont get the check, forget about it, or it happens outside of your knowledge (e.g. grandparents set up an account). In the US, you can usually check with your state’s Comptroller’s office. For example, NY has unclaimed funds under the office of the New York state comptroller
I’d reccomend going directly to the state .gov website and looking there or making sure you have the state website if following a link. They will let you search by name for unclaimed accounts, and then after choosing the one you want to claim, it will ask for ssn, dob and name, etc. If they can verify that information, you get a check in the mail. Ive gotten a few hundred from old insurance that probably settled some account after I’d switched.
The graphics are trash because I have the “Poor Eyesight” negative trait, which requires glasses to see well. I also got the “Hyperfocus” trait which is a mixed bag. Too bad the skill point for poor eyesight didnt get used so now my character’s got the depressed moodle and I cant get him to read a comic book or eat food