Elon Musk and leader of German Far Right lie by claiming “Hitler was a communist”
There, fixed the title.
Elon Musk and leader of German Far Right lie by claiming “Hitler was a communist”
There, fixed the title.
Both are bad, doing propaganda because the other side is doing it too only makes things worse, and people defending China because the US does it (or vice-versa) are bootlicking whataboutists.
Hear me out, what if two wrongs don’t make a right?
Last time the US invaded Canada the White House was promoted to a bonfire. And this was before they found out their favourite hobby is finding loopholes in international treaties regarding war crimes.
Because Jimmy Carter wasn’t perfect but at least he tried to do the right thing. Then Reagan came and it became clear the abyss has no bottom, so the absolute sociopaths have an overwhelming advantage on the political space even if they pillage everything in sight.
China is basically repeating what European countries did to colonize Africa, but speed running it. And so is Russia in West Africa.
It depends. What do you think will be the impact on the EU economy if Russia invades Estonia in 10 years, triggering a nuclear war?
And nothing of that has anything to do with blocking the union’s website besides Google’s sheer incompetence.
I know that Macron is trying to square the circle after his little stunt with the elections left and France an ungovernable mess, but naming Bayrou prime-minister sounds more like a move to piss off as many people as possible in the parliament than an attempt to end political instability.
Bribe. Zuckerberg gave Trump an one million dollars bribe.
They are not 100% reliant on other countries, they produce lots of weapons and ammunition themselves, they just can’t match what Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea combined can produce on their own.
That’s not true in any big city. While the laws keep the landlord madness limited, real estate and rent prices are out of control because of speculation, and there are tons of horror stories to go around - and by experience, I would say they are even more common with individual landlords than with large companies, at least large companies don’t usually do anything obviously illegal and have less venues to make their tenants homeless.
Dead and buried?
If they don’t comply that is going to play into Putin’s hands and piss off Europe. Trump might do it, but it will probably kill all the international influence the US has in the process.
It will stop Benny from going on his little vacations to the US and Europe to prop up the local far-right.
When you are trying to compete with another application, speed matters a lot.
The Linux foundation is still trying to take Servo out of the ground
The main difference is that the project will be owned by the non-profit foundation. This still leaves mastodon.social in the for profit Mastodon gGmbH but Mastodon itself is safe.