Does 1TW not sound as impressive as 1000GW?
Does 1TW not sound as impressive as 1000GW?
This guy is a total asshole, great to see him getting dragged in this review
Burning Man may be the epitome of the many optimistic and maybe naive qualities of the 90s that were co-opted and exploited in the early 2000s, and turned into the very things they were built to protest against - another being the free and open internet
Pandemics affect communities not individuals
No deaths but a graven image destroyed, hmm…
I fully support OceanGate’s mission of removing as many billionaires from the planet as possible
Tl;dr can I park my van in front of this Singaporean prison and for how long until I attract attention?
Ah it explains congress perfectly
“the west” you ever hear of Thai ladyboys you fucking dunce
Are you talking about the attachment point for a shoulder rest?