A race to accrue as much technical debt as quickly as possible by focusing stricty on individual features while ignoring the long term ramifications of design decisions.
A race to accrue as much technical debt as quickly as possible by focusing stricty on individual features while ignoring the long term ramifications of design decisions.
“I’m going to try to hack the system.”
# sudo apt install hollywood
# hollywood
“We’re in!”
At some point I need to migrate off Hyper-V. Probably to Proxmox.
Ugh. I don’t wanna.
NEVER test your backups. It wears out the tapes faster.
🎶I am a lineman for the county, and I drive the main road. Searchin’ in the sun for another overload.🎶
Then there’s the small group that just throws everything into Excel
Interesting. Excel is certainly capable enough but I would think data set size limitations would be a frequent issue. Maybe not as frequent as I would have thought though.
15 years in IT OPS before switching to programming. Can confirm most IT infrastructure is held together with duct tape and the occasional prayer meeting in the data center.
A flying nasty dirt magnet that takes you places.
So basically JavaScript with TypeScript.
One takes you places, the other is a nasty dirt magnet. Which one is which is entirely subjective.
Most general purpose programming languages nowadays are designed to be easily human readable. But with this, I now have to understand the syntax of another “programming language” in addition to the programming language it outputs. How is this helpful in any way?
There are already plenty of template generators that can generate boiletplate code with parameters. This seems like a complete waste of time.
Ok, now this is just showing off. Patch cables all the exact required length and everything all nice and neat. I bet you check your backups regularly and do a monthly DR fail over test too.
…Kidding aside, your setup looks really good.
Definitely easier if you can plan it in advance.
What do you do if you have a horse that dies or has to be put down? You call your neighbor down the road who has an excavator and ask him to dig you a horse sized hole. Then you bury it. If you don’t, you won’t want to leave your house for at least a week.
Horsepower is a very rough “average” of work output over a given period of time. It doesn’t really account for spikes in load. For that we’ll have have to consider the torque. So the real question is, how many foot/pounds or newton/meters does OP need to handle 10 gigs of throughput?
There are usually way more polling locations open on election day than during early voting. They set up polling at churches, schools, and community centers all over.
During early voting I have to go to the courthouse which is in the next town over. There aren’t any polling places in my city.
The benefit of splitting services between VM’s is the same as it always has been: I can break one service without breaking ALL of them. Containers are an improvement over native installs but they do not solve this problem completely.
Not nearly good enough to make me give up Quicken but it is nice to see some more self hosted options popping up.
Ah Manage Engine. Lots of full featured products that are roughly 75% complete.
The kind of place where “backups” means playing Russian Roulette with one set of old ass tapes, if you’re lucky.
Don’t look at me. I voted five. And then when the scrum master was like, “jubilationtcornpone, are you ok with it being a three?” I said “No.” But someone who thought they knew better decided it was going to be a three anyways.