yeah call me when Putin sets up a torture site and starts indiscriminately bombing civilian infrastructure. civilian deaths in Iraq/Afghanistan are orders of magnitude higher than in Ukraine.
yeah call me when Putin sets up a torture site and starts indiscriminately bombing civilian infrastructure. civilian deaths in Iraq/Afghanistan are orders of magnitude higher than in Ukraine.
just as bad if not worse than Bush
lol no
it’s a bad show but I kinda liked it
“it’s not a lie if you believe it”
damn you guys are just doubling and tripling down on being extremely wrong
bye bye, go to hell
I’m Iranian, I sure wish you were around to fight for my country’s sovereignty when the UK and US decided to lay waste to it
I’m certainly not a Brit who’s now very concerned about other countries making ‘territorial claims’.
westerners are really the most propagandized people in the world
glad it’s gotten better, hope it keeps improving. it’s something we take for granted in developed countries - the air in New England was so awful during the Canadian wildfires you didn’t even want to be outside, and there are places where that’s kind of a normal thing.
no more half measures walter
I imagine the Danes will act totally normal and not racist in response to this
yeah but they never annexed any land, so it’s ok or something
The Wire. I tried watching that show like four times, and only ever made it an episode or two. it starts so slow and boring.
some people have social anxiety or no real hobbies or hobbies that are mostly solitary
the first season was so, so good, seems like it went downhill ever since
was S4 any good? I don’t think I watched past 3
every single athlete at the olympics is doping
it’s just a coincidence that this stuff only ever starts with our state enemies huh? only the bad countries get sanctioned for doing the same things we/our allies do. only Russia has to compete with neutral flags. only African leaders get prosecuted in the ICC.
it’s all nonsense used to manufacture consent for war and military spending
a little off-topic, but I just opened a Criterion Channel subscription a week or two ago and I’m loving it so far. price is nowhere near as high as other streaming services and I’ve watched all kinds of amazing movies I likely wouldn’t have watched before.