yes? i don’t understand your apparent incredulity here.
yes? i don’t understand your apparent incredulity here.
just cause you recognize that you gotta use steam if you wanna make a living, doesn’t mean you can’t hate steam and wish they didn’t have such a monopoly. lots of people use things they hate, just cause that’s the meta, y’know?
not very much. honestly, only once or twice, for a laugh, which is probably still more than most folks lol
what you wrote sounds completely insane to me. sure i don’t use a mouse on my phone very much, but no way would i ever prefer a trackpad to a mouse for a desktop or laptop. and tons of people still carry a mouse to use with their laptops, based on my observations. i really think you may be an outlier here.
when i saw the headline, i briefly confused ‘sea shephard’ and ‘sea org’, and got a li’l hyped, ngl.
is there a non sexist/queerphobic meaning for that term? i would assume the bigotry is the whole point.
context? this isn’t really news without a story of some sort.
some ereaders do use android, my old onyx did, but honestly i much prefer the dedicated solution kobo has. they could use android, but if they’ve got the resources to make their own os targeting their actual use case instead of cramming a mobile phone os in there, why wouldn’t they? even their os has too much cruft for my taste, but it is a lot less than an android ereader.
honestly, i can barely tolerate two pedal driving, but the thought of just removing the ability to actively brake in an emergency seems profoundly short sighted and dangerous.
she made a mistake. good design could have prevented her crash, and less negligent design should have let her live. absolute worst case scenario, it should have been an expensive mistake, but not a fatal one.
i felt more than a little sick to my stomach at “one pedal driving”.
what subtitle? all i see is the title “Such an interesting idea!” and a link with a thumbnail. is there more information that my client isn’t displaying?
from the thumbnail, i really thought this was gonna be a joke about reinventing paragraphs
wth. radiation proof? is this for visiting the chernobyl exclusion zone?
i don’t want to go to all that effort. if you feel like it, could you describe it?
couldn’t read the whole article, but the first couple paragraphs seem to contradict the headline. ‘~15% of reddit users have encountered corporate astroturfing’ is not the same as ‘15% of content on reddit is corporate astroturfing’.
i thought the top bit was originally 0 or 1 depending on the evilness/odiousness of the rest of the number, as a parity check.
here are the books as told in the video description if anyone cares. lots of amazon links and i did not check any of them.
Grokking Algorithms - Introduction to Algorithms - Algorithm Design Manual -
Clean Code - Clean Architecture - Refactoring -
Understanding Distributed Systems - Designing Data Intensive Applications - Software Architecture: The Hard Parts -
Lean DevOps -
The 100-page Machine Learning Book - AI & ML for Coders - AI: A Modern Approach -
here’s that link but clickable. that was quite the… enlightening read.
hopefully by then it’ll all be sorted by whatever fix they implemented before 2038.