I think no one that downvoted actually read the article.
To be fair, it’s an unlucky title. My reaction at first, was also negative.
I must admit, i had forgotten about Clinton’s Reinventing Government project. Probably because it was a pretty boring affair for people not involved and his other not-so-boring affair kept the nation busy anyway.
How about every bone in their body. Each and every redundant bone they carry around inside them.
I see you’re no stranger to love
It’s a primeval forest, but i don’t think it is one of the rainy ones.
Edit: though OP’s link says it’s a primeval rainforest…
Edit 2: it’s a temperate rainforest. TIL
I knew about the initial sympathy for Hitler. Especially about the Olympics hosted in Germany, with all the Leni Riefenstahl imagery.
Everything in history is much more convoluted and complicated than one would imagine. Even knowing everything, one should keep in mind, that history is written by the winning side.
Like the things happening now. I’m happy for the WTF newsletter, summarizing a little of WTF Happened Today? I find it hard to keep track of the important stuff, while they keep massively bombarding us with bullshit everyday.
The Nazis were defeated, but never really destroyed.
Humanity should avoid this error from happening a second time.
Edit: I’m not saying Germany should have been erased. I mean, Nazis should have been chased until the last one was caught. German or not is irrelevant.
They’ll be busy telling everyone “dOeS thiS LoOk likE gLoBal WaRmInG tO yOu?”
ladies on gentlemen
I’ll have to give this game a try
Dan Huot/SpaceX
At this point we are assuming that we have lost the Ship
The Ship was never recovered. The insurance company denies coverage. More at 11.
there are two identical trolleys connected by a steal rope so that there weight equals out and the can easily move up the hill.
This is how they move? Pretty slick.
Still there was only a day difference and the same location so I found it interesting how much has changed in that time
I figured this was what you meant, after writing my first comment.
I was thinking of doing something similar, when it snowed here, a few days back. I wanted to take a daily pic of the same location. I ended up with one picture, of the day i had the idea.
One has number 1 on it, the other number 2 - they are not the same. Or do you mean anything else?
He killed a guy.
The spectacle they make around him, is just ridiculous, but not stupid. This way, the general public will just see this and just like that, it will be ok to execute him.
Meanwhile, I’m spotting articles ( i really don’t remember where ) where the CEO is presented in a way, like the world lost some kind of hero.
Always the same shit.
Big corps, billionaires and their like at preparing to exploit us even more.
They do believe in climate change, they ain’t stupid. That’s why we’re about to get squeezed until the system breaks down.
We’re going to be left with a broken earth & no functioning government.
I can imagine that most area on this earth, which will be the last to succumb to climate change, is already paid for by billionaires.
They will gather there and we’ll be left without any means, to even get near them.
We still have time and have to act, everyone at once and bring this fucking farse to and end.
We can’t let Luigi die in vain!
Fuck no!
Replace the bathtub with a cooking pot and you’ll have your vegetables slide in just like that.
When i saw it for the first time, i thought of a Mini Cthulhu.
They are surely very engaged and seen very enthusiastic in finally being able to up their inhumanity to trump level of inhumanity.
Mala mujer" is Spanish for “bad woman”, referring to its stinging hairs which cause severe contact dermatitis.
Is this in Rio de Janeiro?
True, but not everybody is built the same. I can imagine someone being so uncomfortable with it, that it would detract from the exercise…
It worse. Israel is blocking all aid, with full Trump support. Also, Trump-Gaza. He really doesn’t give a shit about civilians in Gaza.