trek, if we are talking about classics (i’m still not good at it), but I grew up with MUDs, so those are my favorites. i got to play a little zork in the BBS days, and Legend of the Red Dragon.
Hmm, LORD might have been my favorite of all time, if I had to pick one terminal-ish game.
edit: i’ll have to check out atc, btw, i havent played it yet
lol we still play some old UNIX games at SDF every now and then, but we’re not all graybeards either
Ah, well, I’m for any or all of the above, at this point. My preference is the peaceful dismantling of colonial nation-states, a la USSR or Brexit
True social justice would be to send everyone packing, then?
So, given that global society has advanced 150 years or so, what lessons can we take away from Brexit, USSR, Chechoslovakia, etc. on how to safely split a country or governmental organization?
Fair point. I wonder what would have happened if they’d have amended the constitution so that states could actually secede, instead of having a war. I guess eventually international war instead of civil war?
Although, technically, even pork is allowed when the alternative is death by starvation.
Whether one would rather die than eat Graham Cracker is another thing.
I second the idea of finding a way to make your website using markdown and a template, that’s what I do for
lol that’s what I get for linking to slashdot.
Check out this listing - BlueGriffon might be up your alley, for ease of use, but kompozer used to be the classic replica of Dreamweaver from Windows. Not sure about NetBeans, but it might be good, and can’t speak to the rest.
I don’t follow the popular news, is he known as a drinker?
yeah, my one white vote in a sea of red and blue is really going to matter, no thanks. give me a real choice, you’ll get a real vote
Great, now ChatGPT thinks he’s smart.
And we’d probably have actual human rights laws in America, instead of means-tested, drug-tested government aid.
Democrats better get busy filling those Supreme Court seats, now, if we are going to have any chance at stopping Donald Trump, Jr. from taking over in 2040.
indeed, the bunker has been upgraded to a SpaceX satellite mesh hotel.
Cannabalism is against Islam, otherwise I’d say that at least they’d finally get some food in Gaza.
Better screen for sociopaths too.
yeah ;) i have a sweet spot for it because of the graphics for the map, heh