Man, and we all thought his whole thing over couches was bad.
Man, and we all thought his whole thing over couches was bad.
Vote for my interests and Ill stop endless period bleeding. For men and women.
vote for me and Ill give you a repreive from the ads.
Arrest them under the patriot act.
Yes, I’m hedging it off her making up a new reason, the cat, to stay angry.
And that he already has a whole sentence of things he knows he has to say.
She is emotionally abusing you.
Timing is about right for it to be a batch of newly minted CS grads getting into their first corporate jobs.
Winnie the Pooh and his favourite sub: Putin.
It’s an issue given that almost everything everyone buys relies on sea traffic. If it doesn’t, then something required to make it did.
For example: the amount of wheat and grain that travels via ship is insane. And those facilities can’t just be built overnight. They need railways to be built and need massive amounts of concrete that itself needs months to years to properly cure so that they can store grain in it. And without those facilities, many parts of the world not directly at sea level will suffer and starve.
No. The melting of the ice caps is now self-sustaining. We dont have enough energy as a species to begin to reverse it now, and it is making itself worse now with every day.
The current glacier they’re worried about in Antarctica is estimated to increase global sea levels by up to 3 meters.
That, by itself puts every single port in the world partially underwater, and most of the major airports too. That means every developed country in the world is looking at death and famine at a scale not seen since the Permian Extinction.
And thats just one glaicier that will be popping before 2030. All of Greenland is also in the process of popping, and that could mean 10m plus of sea level rise by 2050.
Climate change.
Ww3 may or may not happen. Hopefully not.
But regardless of that, Climate change will wipe us out.
Thanks for the overview.
Frankly I think its more likely that China screwed up and got an older part of the moon than a newer one by mistake.
It could be that its success was internally attributed to a different team someone in the hierarchy favoured.
$147000 is a lot of money to grant to three college kids with zero proven business record.
It’s the CCP. You can’t have a non government funded company.
My Oma was in the Netherlands in the 1930s. Her family sheltered part of a jewish family(the elderly mother who was too sick to escape to North America, and one of her sons, a lawyer, who stayed behind to care for her.) This was before the invasion and the start of the war.
At the time, late 1930s, she said that everyone knew something bad was happening to the Jewish people the Nazis rounded up, but not what.
After more than a year of occupation, they were turned in by a neighbor for extra rations because none of her family needed daily visits from a doctor. The Nazis took the two Jewish people and her Dad into a camp.
A local factory owner, some months on, tried to have everyone from the area released in return for his compliance in letting them use his factory output. Her dad was among those released, but they refused to release any Jewish prisoners. Her parents then immediately joined the resistance and helped it out until the end of the war. The factory owner allegedly ensured that the output to the Nazis was changed to be only subtly defective units, pipe walls too thin, cooled too quickly etc.
The only previous thing I saw was a scammy financial, WSB youtuber who hit top views 3 days ago:
Im not saying use Edge or Bing.
I use firefox and admittedly Bing and DDG.
Im in the same boat as you, when 10 goes, Im going to go back to(see Vista Era) linux as much as possible.
That gap has flipped. Bing never told me to put glue on pizza or to jump off a bridge if depressed.
It reeks of a consultant who sold upper management via a gated demo.