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Locking people up for their gender, sexuality or for listening to pop music is okay with you?
You fool.
I’m saying what I said, none of the really stupid reinterpretations you have said.
I don’t think you know what’s been happening in Australia. Stop getting confused.
They win in Australia by holding massive protests calling for Jews to be exterminated and our government protects them. Which reality do you prefer?
On the left, an actual Shit Gibbon.
And meanwhile at the palace…
Apple is a fashion company.
Pretty ironic posting Jerry here.
I don’t feel anything for those people.
Chinese and boomer investors.
In Australia and most developed cities in Asia rent is cheaper than a mortgage.
This is the only real take on the situation and was inevitable since the initial attacks. It’s a shame most people here are being played by Hamas. If they killed and kidnapped your loved ones there’d be no mention of ‘proportionate.’
Not what you wanted, but it’s definitely what you need.
Fuck yeah.
They didn’t you dickhead.
As a complete outsider, it’s not looking great at the moment.
Nope it definitely goes both ways, but one side has everything to lose. I might be morally justified trying to take on ms13 but I’m still going to get my ass handed to me.