In the southern US, we have “funeral potatoes”. Easy casserole.
In the southern US, we have “funeral potatoes”. Easy casserole.
Durak is top tier, Kharjo is the best. I don’t know half of these but generally great list lol
Wow another Okie!
Crazy storms in the Tulsa area for us btw. And probably why I also see Harris Walz signs. We’re about to get a Democrat for a mayor!
That’s sorta the definition of a person’s likeness to run a lookalike contest
Me: surely this isn’t real
quick search
Oh fuck me
Oops, sitting
Years ago a Psych episode had Burton say “all the men’s health journals agree” that it’s better for your circulation, and I never looked back (nor fact checked).
The most surprising thing I read on this thread
If it helps, his dick was too big to be believable so they used a body double (a dick double, if you will).
Imagine being cast for that role and then saying, “excellent, your dick is small enough for this”.
Yeah the ending is an awkward one with family for sure.
Female genital mutilation? Bloody handjob? That movie had it all.
Instructions unclear, discussed sexual boundaries with my players.
If you never sell, you don’t lose money /fivehead
I’m kind of an early access freak, but I put in about 80 hours and enjoyed it. There were definitely problems early, and I don’t plan on going back to it for at least a year, enough for them to release substantially more and it feels fresh.
Thank you for actually providing an explanation beyond stating the word “science”
Thank you. Certainly sounds like more research needs to take place, but this is awesome and will hopefully encourage more studies.
I also thought it was interesting that discrepancies between trans and cisgender women in strength could be attributed to trans women being forced to use men’s training facilities, equipment and resources, which get more funding and are better equipped. It’s amazing what you learn when you control certain variables.
This is incredible work. I have one question that confused me, the article says that trans and cisgender women have the same bone density, which is linked to muscle strength. Then it says that bone density “is not indicative of athletic prowess”.
If bone density and muscle strength are positively correlated, then it should be an indication of athleticism, no? Do I have a misunderstanding of what they consider “athletic prowess”?
Another option I’ve seen is a sign up sheet for meals, so people didn’t randomly do everything at once.