So is this significant?
So is this significant?
We’re gonna need the backstory on this.
Agreed. I currently have a four year old as a foster. In this first week he’s learned a bunch if stuff. Be patient and consistent, practice at least three times daily, remember that you are the top dog, consult other if you get stuck. You’ll be fine.
What did the console say?
You’re referring to the former artist formerly known as the artist formerly known as Prince?
I wish insurance commissioners would turn this back at the companies: “Profit is not financially necessary”
I sure hope this will be the case. It may be the only way out of this mess.
Years ago wasn‘t there an organized effort to get meteorologists to talk about climate change?
They tried failed to make his statement/approach look like a bad thing.
…and use disgorgement to claw back profits from the “defense” industry
“Disgorgement is the act of giving up something on demand or by legal compulsion, for example giving up profits that were obtained illegally.” - wikipedia
In my neighborhood taking stuff left at the curb is the norm. Sometimes we‘ll leave a sign to clarify something is free. There have been times when I’ve taken something, used it for a while, then put it back out in the curb for someone else to enjoy.
Our dog taught himself how to roll a ball with pretty good accuracy. Coming home from our morning walks we’d play a game where he’d push the ball so it would roll down our driveway. I’d return it. With much concentration and practice he got good at getting it to roll all the way down - even sometimes doing bank shots.
Of course we believe all oil companies. They’ve never lied to us before, right?
Sure… you go first.
In the US the only source of leaded gasoline that I’m aware of is aviation gas. Lots of (all?) older piston-driven airplanes use it.
Maybe “Are Trying to Silence” would be closer to the truth.
'Gotta act fast if we want to continue supporting genocide.
Agreed. The sense of depth (along the pads and into the water) really attract the eye. The “posing” of the Koi adds to the beauty. Well done!
Well whadaya know… that works.
I hope they’re getting paid minimum wage.