Parental control software like Adguard or Adguard DNS family protection, filter out NSFW content like this website. A website doesn’t even need to do a thing for it to work.
Parental control software like Adguard or Adguard DNS family protection, filter out NSFW content like this website. A website doesn’t even need to do a thing for it to work.
If I have learned anything about safety features. They probably do.
basic common sense security features are such a huge improvement.
Can you list some common sense security features?
Well, you don’t need to switch. But, you can help your friends and family switch by setting up Firefox with Ublock-Origin.
If they see the benefits. They will stick
I quite enjoyed reading their in-depth tech coverage. Especially, in the early days when theyvcovered smartphones. There won’t be a 2nd anandtech in history for a long time to come.
They should release their articles as a torrent to conserve the long history of anandtech.
You know we had to :}
Do you know anything about financial markets?
I’m at a beginner level in Investments and stock market.
Study and you’ll understand everything you could do with it.
I’m already learning about Investments and stock market. Maybe, once I finish that I could consider this. But, I don’t see much value in crypto so won’t bother.
Perhaps, if my perception changes in the future I could reconsider. Just not in the near future.
I never understood the crypto hype. There was even an article by protonmail detailing its history and all. Yet, I remain oblivious.
Nice joke. Voyager informs about this mischief
That would be a liability, and they would go after the parent company crying foul play.
Yeah, something like Adguard family DNS protection or any other family protection DNS service exist which works at the device level or even the network level and is simple to setup on smartphones and latops/computers or even the router.
YouTube won’t even load comments saying restricted mode if I browse through Adguard family protection DNS server.
Hmm, I thought modern day browsers had protection against redirect and history poisoning attacks. Guess not in all.
Permanent notifications are not a thing since android 14. Every notification can be removed.
Can you elaborate more about this “harmless history stealing” bit and how did you find it? Also, was the OS outdated in your case?
Like a sane person I use a system wide adblocker (Adguard) and unlock-origin in firefox. I also disable 3rd party iframes by default to reduce the crap being loaded by default on all my devices.
Stupidity at its finest. The whole point of cheap 3rd party apple accessories is to use workarounds to get past apple DRMs and use them without paying the apple tax.
Blame apple foremost for creating such a market in the 1st place. You don’t need such workarounds in other phones because they just work.
Fuck advon.
That’s Google’s version of android. Most OEMs still have the single tap internet toggle.
It depends on the app in question and how powerful your smartphone is. On flagship smartphones and well optimised apps there’s zero lag. On midrange smartphones and lower you may notice that on some heavy apps.
So, you should be fine as long as you get a current generation upper midrange or flagship smartphone.
If you want something that’s simple, fire and forget. You can try PersonalDNSFilter.