If you read the book it’s very clear it’s a comedy things don’t need to be jokes per minute to be a comedy
If you read the book it’s very clear it’s a comedy things don’t need to be jokes per minute to be a comedy
u7in-32tb.224xlarge’s get you every time
There is also unexpected consequences of that feature. Like that feature could create bugs that would go beyond just creating that feature. But at the end of the day create a feature request bug report with a very detailed ask. Then reach out to the owner and ask two things one would they be willing to implement the feature at all and if so would they prioritize it if you paid them and what you are willing to pay.
It’s very similar to artist commission negotiations. The third thing to ask is if they no to prioritize question is if you paid someone else to create a PR for your feature would they accept it. If the answer is yes you can try to find someone but it will always be more expensive. Since like others have said they have to learn the codebase.
The account is not transferable at all the federated part is you accessing other platforms data from your account. Like email your account is very much tied to the server you setup with.
What we need is something like openid like service to just store profile information like subs and creds and other servers to handle the data like pots and comments.
Something like that would make it even more complicated like a uri of a comment would be bob@Idserver@PostedViaDataserver. You you would just login as bob@Idserver from any data server.
I had something similar ptsd and all that jazz i couldn’t wake up but I found learning about lucid dreaming helped me control my dreams to be something I wanted. It was like my own holodeck. It doesn’t always work if i go to bed stressed out but it helps on the nights I can realize I’m dreaming.
https://github.com/automatic-ripping-machine/automatic-ripping-machine would be an option if you don’t need a web UI
I tried my best to not believe this but the moment I’m watching alien romulus and when the the get away from her you bitch line came up and everyone cheered in the theater. Is the day my hope for other humans died when it came to film.
This is good advice but also note there are other alternatives to church that function the same way like humanist churches or the satanic temple. Note the satanic temple has nothing to do with satin and is not the same as the church of satin.
Could not agree more feminism is just human rights by another name and human rights is not achieved by anyone till every gender , race , sexual orientation, religion or lack of, ability or disability are equal.
This is so true. We are living in the novel “Brave New World”
You make very good points also to add women in online spaces have incentives to pretend to be male or be ambiguous and not bring attention that they are women online to reduce the harassment they get. I’m pulling numbers out of the air but I feel 10% the internet that is male are assholes or children that don’t have any social skills yet and the other 90% get lumped in with them because we don’t reach out at all as to not come off as creeps like the other 10%. So you don’t hear about the polite respectful ones.
My hypothesis for this comes from the fact that most men I meet in real life are polite social people that respect women with about 10% being weird assholes. I also don’t blame women being guarded of all men as that 10% are true nightmare. I mean if there was a 10% chance a strange man you meet out in public was going to be Jason Voorhees. I would mace every man that came up to me as well. That’s how those assholes ruin it for everyone. Well except the grifrers that make it worse that is.
Also I’m married but we met online before tinder broke dating sites. So take what I say with a grain of salt just from an old man that sees the struggle of young people of all genders go through and I have empathy for them.
This is correct Unix time is eternal i kinda wished we would change the calendar again 1970 is just as arbitrary as 2024 years ago so why not set the mark at 1970. Tomorrow will be Jan 1st 0055
I will be so excited if we make it that far, double if I’m alive to see it.
There is always the assumption that we will colonize the galaxy in 7000 years. When really we will still be on earth and someone is still running and old FreeBSD machine in prod and just doesn’t want to update cause it still works.
So I have played both and while I like both be aware Neva plays different. There are fail states unlike gris. So the flow is different but still good. I never got frustrated with gris and did slightly with Neva
Yeah this is wrong at least when it comes to the military UCMJ allows you to disregard an unlawful order. Nuremberg confirmed that i was just following orders doesn’t fly at least in the military. Immunity doesn’t make it legal it just makes the person uncountable and shows how broken the system is.
See i want to be in the club for just a little bit so I can shut it down. Like running for HOA president in order to disband the HOA. Unfortunately it will never happen since I can’t bring myself to do the horrible shit the elite do to maintain power.
Yes they do and the answer is old people being taken advantage of
That’s still local storage if you are the one that owns the hard drives
It’s the earth on a long exposure