After reading your comment, I preferred Reddit
After reading your comment, I preferred Reddit
I don’t doubt what you’re saying.
This all assumes that businesses and consumers can absorb the bump in prices due to the lack of a better deal. There are going to be plenty of construction contracts that Just Won’t Happen because they won’t be able to get the building materials they need to actually build something for a price that someone is willing to pay. That’s the kind of thing that can wreck a bottom line.
I’m not so certain. I think they’re perhaps opportunistic nihilists and have seen too deep into the abyss one too many times to know how to deal with the sheer amount of nothing they saw there.
Thanks. Remember, it’s nothing against you, or even against people who were lied to in order to get their vote.
At some point, some random billionaire will become slightly less billionaire-y and freak out about tariffs wrecking their bottom line. Until then, we’ve all got to grab on to our sanity and hodl like never before.
it’s the Dead Box-Office theory, in action
He challenged conservative politicians on climate science issues.
Seeing all this science and nature content made me think of watching CBC’s The Nature Of Things as a kid. Their long-time host David Suzuki managed to piss off some powerful people, including the Prime Minister of Canada, so make of that what you will. It seems The Nature Of Things is still going, and they have a YouTube channel.
and also, you know, human lives.
Still looks great Exactly.
also the Triplets Of Belleville
hang on, are you trying to tell us that money powerhouse franchises like Fast & Furious or Madea are actually not quality movies? /s
The first movie was actually pretty great for it’s time
Goodness. Did we see the same movie? Even with the better-than-Money-For-Nothing graphics the first one was not all that great of a movie to start with. Plus it tried to cash in on the hot streak that Stephen King stories were on at the time: the movie had nothing to do with the short story of the same name.
Still, I do not doubt your claim that the sequel was horrible.
Orwell didn’t know he was also writing about the Entertainment-Industrial Complex.
Ladies and Gentlemen… the Foo Lickers!
That’s a good read, but all the pages shown as links from that page are also very interesting.
This photo reminds me of the movie poster for Full Metal Jacket
Somehow I associate airflow being shut off with a turbine fan slowing and stopping. I guess due to Total Recall and OG Half Life?
maybe the trailer needed some Taiko drums?
or an ominously orchestral version of a beloved 1980’s/1990’s pop song?