For more brain flipping try looking into hardware description languages (Verilog) or proof assistants (Coq).
For more brain flipping try looking into hardware description languages (Verilog) or proof assistants (Coq).
Is this a new project that was intentionally started in PHP or something legacy? Any interesting benchmarks? Like minimal wire to wire network processing time and where the bottleneck is?
I saw md5 checksum implemented in scratch.
I would like to hear more
Encrypted data don’t compress well.
Did twitter consider to affiliate with @musicfan, @musicmusic, @music123, or @musiclover instead?
Then there’s Haskell that would remove (well, used to at some point) your source code file if you made any errors:
Do they agree on the definition of the false information?
Let’s say we know how to do better than cmake now.
Thank you good bot.
If you want more of the same, about what was before ASCII and after it - there’s a great talk by Dylan Beattie
You don’t need a car in Singapore. Very good public transport and affordable taxis.