Its on wheels in part so the recoil rolls it backwards.
I’m not 100% sure but it also looks like a fairly modern canon, modernity being the period from 16th to early 20th C
Its on wheels in part so the recoil rolls it backwards.
I’m not 100% sure but it also looks like a fairly modern canon, modernity being the period from 16th to early 20th C
The AP collaborated with Nazi Germany and gave to it access to its photographic archives for its antisemitic Nazi propaganda. AP also cooperated with the Nazi regime through censorship.
huh, thats probably fine
Best practice is to use saline and a clean cloth to clean spray off with mechanical force
Pour one out for the poor bosses at GM and Ford
maybe, imperial makes even less sense than i thought lol
Its 5’ 7", someones been pulling your leg
A spokesperson revealed today, the USS Maine could return fire, if fired upon by Spain
me on my way to do crimes before getting married so I dont have to declare my name change when running for congress or whatever
hbomb included a playlist of smaller queer creators that i’ve really enjoyed!
hbomb also included a playlist of smaller queer creators that i’ve really enjoyed!
A friend of mine’s parents took that approach and they never got the ‘santa’ deal. Presents just came from their parents. Theyre turned out a communist, im not sure its related