Everyone will be working multiple shitty service jobs that robots are not cost effective to automate. Our miserable wages will be just sufficient to keep the wheels on the cart from falling off.
Everyone will be working multiple shitty service jobs that robots are not cost effective to automate. Our miserable wages will be just sufficient to keep the wheels on the cart from falling off.
Police forces are the the primary Ideological State Apparatus of Repression. They do not exist to protect the public from crime, they exist to protect the property rights of the owners of the means of production. Keeping the proles in a state of fear is them just doing their job.
Cops have always had a habit of killing the homeless. Also they have a habit of killing the homed. Thanks to qualified immunity in the USA, a cop just has to feel threatened, not actually be threatened, to justify the use of deadly force.
Shocking just about nobody, this bullshit went from ‘but the children!!!’ to full anti-trans authoritarianism. What’s up next you nazi fucks?
Containers are very lightweight. I have no desire to build anything so I always just add another service container to my existing stacks.
Look at it this way: industrialized warfare required capitalism.
where ‘asked’ == ‘ordered’. WTF BBC.
Huh? The person with health insurance has already paid the insurance company. That person owes zero dollars to anyone for the vaccine. The government also is not involved in the transaction. The payment is from the insurance company to the pharmacy.
Insurance does add value. It buffers people from variations in health costs. In the case here of one $200 vaccine dose, sure many people could pay directly. Also many people can’t. In either case that $200 is a barrier to getting vaccinated. It is in society’s interest, our interest, to have high vaccination rates so we try to remove the barriers to getting vaccinated.
I think for profit health insurance is a shitty system but as long as we have this shitty system I want the government to regulate the crap out of those insurers. Like requiring no cost vaccines.
Because your insurance is now paying. Previously it was directly funded by the government.
because back in september the government transitioned from direct funding to an insurance mandate based system. So yes you have to provide your insurance information.
yeah, despite this being legally required. This is the absolute shit of privatized health insurance in the US. These companies know they can just obfuscate, deny, and delay with impunity, and they do so.
Covid vaccines remain free to anyone with insurance, including Medicare. They are immediately available at just about any pharmacy. Access is not the problem.
Holy shit I thought this was only about Covid. These absolute idiots are breaking herd immunity for the entire field of virus based diseases.
Perhaps no amount of money can adequately compensate for 44 years of misery humiliation and horror, I’d say more money is certainly better than less.
One does not ‘fire a tank at a house’, instead one’s tank fires at a house.
And while we don’t have the data it is very reasonable to assume that if we did have data going back 150 years the results would be stunningly worse.
That was the point. It was a narrative shift operation.
Yes but now it has shifted to the right yet again, so it is one fascist party and one rightwing party.
The fact of the matter is that there is a 100% fatality rate for the set of people who have had even one mRNA vaccine. There is an identical fatality rate for the set of people who have had zero mRNA vaccines, but that isn’t important.
Also I should mention the timespan for the fatality rate: 150 years, but I won’t.
You’ve doctored your first two points to avoid the fact that widespread corruption and crumbling infrastructure are in fact a feature of the USA. That said, obviously we are not a ‘third world’ country, nor a ‘developing or under-developed’ country. We are, instead in our own special category of fucked. We have an absolutely giant economy, but as we have decided politically to disinvest in all of our public sectors, either by privatization or under-funding, we are rapidly becoming dysfunctional. Add to that the huge global reclaiming of surplus value from workers wages to plutocrats profits, and we are, as is obvious, in a political crisis shared by the rest of the neoliberal democracies.