No power in the ‘verse. But a large billboard out your best window might do it.
A cranky biologist who means well. My hobbies include long walks off short piers and anything science related.
No power in the ‘verse. But a large billboard out your best window might do it.
‘Secure’ for whom? You mean it can’t be controlled by a narrow cabal so the findings can be strip-mined for profit of said cabal?
Which is actually an insane number of possibilities to be evaluated in a very short time. The 10 bits is a measure related to information entropy, not the typical bit units used in common computing parlance. I think that’s where some of the confusion is coming from in other comments on this study.
So thanks for the explanation, I think it addresses that common misunderstanding well.
Thank you. I chose to do it this way to allow others with different fundamental takes to start different conversations on the topic. This is a confusing time and I want to hear it all on this subject.
I posted this because I am personally invested in the idea that we, the people, must become our own media.
We know we cannot rely on corporate owned media to work in our collective interests. Yet they will remain because they are useful to the ruling class.
I know lemmy is full of special people ;) but I have been impressed by the level of media savvy on display.
How do we improve the quality of our information diets in the face of blatant propaganda? It has become so obvious to many people, now.
I do not accept homework assignments at this time.
I’m too busy shitting on rich people.
Because PSL does not seek to get people elected, I question their usefulness as a revolutionary force.
PSL brands themselves as a political party. The only purpose of a political party is to get people elected. The track record there speaks for itself.
Then it’s a dumb revolution. No new human system can arise that doesn’t use remnants of the old. Observe the current revolution happening in the united states. The MAGA fuckers are putting their cronies into positions everywhere, with the clearly stated purpose of destroying our current system.
A revolution that envisions a clean start untainted by what came before is the revolution of a naive child.
I have to agree I find PSL disappointing. In their long history they don’t seem to have put even a dog catcher into elected office.
Disney is going to memory-hole this one soon.
Keep circulating the tapes!
Mr Waturi is the unsung hero of that film. As a supporting actor, he nailed the tone of the film by personifying the rank stupidity of corporate thinking.
He can definitely do the job.
Also a fair point. My devices did not need to last indefinitely and I found the gaffer tape to be very forgiving when prototyping, allowing removal and replacement as I worked out the kinks.
I’m living on an old farm with lots of junk.
So naturally I am building an 8 foot tall wind-driven kinetic sculpture of a Wendigo.
I bought a welder and a cutoff saw. All the materials are retrieved from the trash gully that every respectable high desert property must have.
It’s a form of cope and even ritual magic for me. Embody the spirit of hoarding and greed so it is vulnerable and can be imprisoned, that sort of vibe.
It will take all winter to finish it. The rebar armature is flexible and bobs in the wind. I will add sun bleached oak branches to give it flesh.
I recommend you try gaffer tape instead of duct tape.
Where I get off making this recommendation:
I needed a light-excluding bellows for a photographic project. I made one using black illustration stock and gaffer tape. It worked extremely well on the first version and held up to hundreds of cycles of extension/compression. My application was sensitive to pinhole light leakage and there was none.
It would have lasted longer but that was the end of that project.
My two cents. I love DIY stuff!
As a PhD holder who has worked in healthcare, I really couldn’t use the title doctor because the chance for confusion with a medical practitioner is too high. That’s fine by me, I only use the title on rare occasions such as when speaking publicly in my area of experience. Please just call me Meyotch.
Meanwhile, in Utah, a pair of new parents are becoming really charmed by the idea of ‘Brexit’ as a name for their next child.
This has all happened before and it will all happen again.
I’m so ambivalent about this change. I had fun in the BSA but it’s also where I experienced the worst bullying as a gay neuro-atypical kid. This was in a Mormon associated troop long before the schizm over how exactly to enable child abuse.
Not quite. I think you may be referring to their genome transplant. They used a natural cell and completely replaced the original genome with synthesized DNA. Whereas this project did not rely on existing cellular machinery.
I have an image of a certain mentally lazy older relative being confronted with anything slightly challenging. The degree of hand wringing and play acting to avoid a few minutes thought and perhaps looking ignorant was always over the top.
Since the world has many many people like that, there will probably end up being a handful of large ‘instances’ that seem ashamed of the fediverse’s ‘complexity’ (like Bluesky) and they will pretend to be their own thing, so as not to freak out the squares.
I am somewhat glad Lemmy instances get ignored in this discussion. I want to be surrounded by the better, smarter and more challenging voices such as I have found here.
Is it an information bubble? Damn right it is. Lemmy is my refuge from and group therapy for preparing to contend in vain against the daily grind of human cupidity and stupidity.