Your very welcome
I run this server
Your very welcome
I see, my guess is that the path is in an nginx file somewhere. Could be the fpm config, but unlikely.
Nextcloud will look in the root of the nextcloud install for config/config.php
So unless you have been hacking the code, I think it’s nginx config
I can see the error log file, that has a very odd path in it. How are you running php?
Apache module or fpm?
Can you give a screenshot of the error?
Did you update the nginx config to point to the new location?
Does the user that runs nginx/PHP have write permissions to the new location?
Would concur, that was the only thing I could find.
I would say that for just file sync nextcloud is over kill, but I have invested a lot of time into getting my nextcloud install rock solid. Upgrades are painless and am about to move it to a new host.
So use it for file sync, including backups from things. Calendar & contact sync, RSS reader, kanboard, photo sync and more.
can recommend Nextcloud, we have used it as we cant move PID outside of the UK. Also there is a Nextcloud all in one setup that will get you a fully working Files/Office/whiteboard suite
I do this too, with Pi Hole as well.
no, its based on kodi. but there are themes you could try
have a look at OSMC, you write it to the Pi SD card and it gives you Kodi all setup and ready use. you can even use your TV remote to control it
I use nextcloud for a lot of stuff, so added the news app. In that I have a lot of GitHub repos I want to know get updated and things like the register and BBC news UK.
Edit: that also have a mobile app for just the RSS feeds
Can confirm that nextcloud photo back is for the most part rock solid, they have had some issues when Android changes something and that mess up the process.
But I took have been running it for years, of your nextcloud install is ropey then your photo sync will be.
Looks like this
We’ve been using brown paper for our kids for a long time, and yes that’s a wax seal
They both looks great, think I would pick the top one
Yeah, we give the biscuits for the reindeer
I have that setup, my domain is hosted by OVh and they have an API that you can use to get a wildcard certificate with.
At home I run pihole and that has some sites in as local IPs, but if you look the same site up from OVH you would get an internet IP
I would recommend OVH for DNS, they have an API and are on the list for that tool. Also you can use the API to get lets encrypt certificates
What you have missed is the ability to run what ever you need, self hosting is more then just backups and sync.
Some self hosting to self reliant, nextcloud can do way more then just file sync. For example I use it for calendar and contact sync, photo and file backup from my phone, an office suit, RSS server.