HTML tends to absorb all its best kludges. I put off learning JQuery for so long that the features I wanted became standard.
HTML tends to absorb all its best kludges. I put off learning JQuery for so long that the features I wanted became standard.
Or you can get a different kind of weird.
1 + 1 = “11”.
Perl is a write-only language.
Some people are still waiting on a text editor that never lags.
HTML5 applications goddamn well ought to be first-class programs, as a totally platform-agnostic realization of Turing completeness.
Instead you get every application bundled with its own whole-ass operating system and virtual machine. For a fucking webpage. Yep! No other way to run that on a modern computer!
The Nazi’s didn’t believe in killing everything and everyone, only those that opposed them
Hey maybe let’s don’t downplay how many groups got sent to death camps just for existing, yeah?
Can’t be. Integrating Pocket fucked up something I already loved.
Right? Every C++ feature needs to be lightly cursed.
“Can you mount the /media/user/Backup drive on startup?”
“… where is it?”
“Somewhere else.”
Legitimately miss 3.5, to this day. Peak functionality.
I have been using Firefox since before it was called Firefox, and I’m not sure I’ve ever been happy after an update.
- Inconsistent icon size and texture
No! DISTINCT icon size and texture! Not a row of generic ultra-light squiggles, all the same color, conveying nothing until you look straight at them. The back button is fucking enormous because it’s obviously what you’ll use most. Stop and reload are weird and discouraging. There’s a reason all your plugins use different colors - that’s what icons are for, god dammit!
Complexity is a feature. Visible similarity conveys semantic similarity! 4.0 just took all the nested functionality and swept it behind a button.
God willing, we can count on incompetence.
Isak Andic of Mango, for anyone else who hates the clickbait format.
Facing accountability? Commit more crimes!