Moving from
Isn’t this just the Golden Rule? I’ve tried to live like this everyday for 20 years, but it can be difficult in this day and age. Most people don’t think like that. It’s easy to hold the door for people or say thank you, but it’s hard when you don’t receive the same courtesy. Jokes on them, though, cause they’ll burn in hell!
I mean, people tattoo with phosphorous (I think it was phosphorous) to get glow in the dark tattoos and that shit’s a carcinogen! People gonna people.
It’s definitely a “red line”, but I work in a field that requires me to think about things long-term. To me, the genocide shit is bad and I am 100% behind Bibi and his administration being tried and hung for their atrocities. However, I also know it can get a whole lot worse for Palestinians, and the world was a whole, if anyone but a Democrat wins in November.
Sure, we keep sliding to the right. But at least with Harris in office, we stand a chance of reversing a further slide. Without, we are sure to continue the slide at an even faster rate.
Look past the shortsightedness of those that seek to distract you and try to see the bigger picture. We can’t do anything about the shit going on now if we don’t have a future.
It amazed people when it first launched and capitalists took that to mean replace all their jobs with AI. Where we wanted AI to make shit jobs easier, they used it to replace whole swaths of talent across the industry’s. Recent movies read like they were written almost entirely by AI. Like when Cartman was a robot and kept giving out terrible movie ideas.
Any other year, with any other opposition candidate, I’d be right there calling for a cease fire if they want my vote. Please say it with me…
Vote blue, hold the administration accountable, and vote again in 2 and 4 years. Protest vote and then bitch about the suffering for the rest of your life, however short it becomes under a second tRump admin.
Wonder if the cables replaced by OP were user-made, not commercial cables, that were our together incorrectly.
Anyone wanna start a sysadmin union? Anyone? Please? My neck is starting to hurt from all the hats they make me wear!
Both parties are different sides of the same coin. They just have different ways of accomplishing their end goals. Bernie posed a huge threat to corporate interests and the wealthy. They knew that. They also knew that a vast, VAST number of Americans supported Bernie, even across the political divide. Why do you think Democrats did very little recently when a surge of unionization happened? They’re basically insider traders with a day job ignoring the needs of the people who had no other political choice.
The next two possible candidates in the 2020 election were that Klob… umm the lady with a name that doesn’t want to be spell checked and what’s his face, the current Secretary of Transportation. We all know, now, what they were offered to drop out of that race as they took up their cushy administrative jobs. Both of them represented monied interests and were splitting the ticket three ways for the true democratic nominee between them and Biden. All while the American middle and lower classes were turning out in droves for Bernie.
I won’t say that both groups are equal threats, but I’ll never forget not forgive what the DNC did. I vote for them because I value more than myself and know the existential threat that Republicans have shown themselves to be. Fuck the DNC, but also I’ll be voting for Biden the same way I did in 2020, and before with Hillary in 2016, holding my fucking nose.
I’ve heard a lot about Rust. I’ll have to look into it. I hate myself so my preferred language is PowerShell.
Why do you think everything sucks right now? The simulations ran out of resources long ago so no new ideas are created, just rehashing of already established ones. It’s why we have AI, but it can’t generate anything new or useful. It’s why we’re about to have a restart of World War 2 and The Cold War. It’s why movies that come out already are getting remade, but slightly worse than the original story.
People like to think that’s because capitalism only caters to the safe bets. But we know better! It’s really just that the old Apple 2e that’s running the simulation(s) is low on resources!!
Now, where did I leave all that red string, pictures of Bigfoot and the Loc Ness monster, and thumbtacks?
In the cat and mouse game, the cat can adjust tactics but the mice eventually figure out an alternative route. I’m sure they will find a way with this. Either that or a lot of people will just stop watching YouTube, I’d imagine.
I’d imagine YouTube subtracts the ad length from posted timestamps when clicking a link containing one. But we are taking about Google, soooooo…
Yeah right, we all know you have a single copy of digital items and you can either put it here or there, but not both. That’s why NFTs were such a success! /s
I have saved this reply for the near future when I rebuild my server box to run Linux! Thanks again for your knowledge and information!
I’ll take a look at it, thanks!
You sound like me with Docker. Still unsure how to use that shit but haven’t sat down to really try again, either.
I agree, reverse proxy was also a little mind numbing before I really buckled down and read/watched a bunch of info on it. I learn best by examples and try-fail, but that’s hard to do with live services.
Invest in Google. Buy an island. Install automated turrets. Don’t worry about saving for retirement, cause it won’t matter when society collapses.