• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Mine had a bunch of iMac g3s, eMacs came toward grade 8.

    Games weren’t explicitly forbidden, just needed to finish work first, new Cross Country Canada, math circus and Oregon trail were the games I recall the most of. There was this one game though I can’t recall the name of but the concept was interesting, you played as a time travelling velociraptor and had to save dinosaur eggs from extinction, was like a 3rd person shooter, I have no idea why that was on school computers

    Edit: was Nanosaur

    In the distant year of 4122, a dinosaur species, Nanosaurs, rule the Earth. Their civilization originated from a group of human scientists who experimented with genetic engineering. Their experimentation led them to resurrect the extinct dinosaur species; however, their victory was short-lived, as a disastrous plague brought the end of their civilization itself. The few dinosaurs resurrected were lent an unusual amount of intelligence from their human creators, leaving them to expand on their growing civilization. However, as the Nanosaurs were the only species on Earth, inbreeding was the only possible choice of reproduction. This method largely affected the intelligence of the various offspring, and slowly began to pose a threat to their once-intelligent society.

    The Nanosaur government offers a quest that involves time traveling into the year 65 million BC, where the five eggs of ancient dinosaur species must be retrieved and placed in a time portal leading to the present year. Their high-ranking agent, a brown Deinonychus Nanosaur, is chosen to participate in this mission. On the day of her mission, she is teleported to the past via a time machine in a Nanosaur laboratory.

  • Mass Effect is one that while every game is independent enough, I’d still say it’s best experienced as the trilogy. You will miss out on stuff in later games

    Spoiler for a game old enough to vote

    Wrex apparently dies on Virmire if you don’t. My partner started at 2, that was her experience. She played me1 shortly after and yeah, was upset she’d missed out even though he’s not a companion in 2 or 3 outside of Citadel DLC.

    Wrex is a solid character, Krogan story just wouldn’t be the same without him. If I recall he’s a part of the reason Mordin changes his view on the Genophage. If you betray the Krogan and pretend to cure it (which I’ve never done, nor will, there’s a limit to how I’ll play renegade), Wrex will see through the deceit, his brother won’t.

    There’s also a small misc quest with a certain recurring character in 3 that has an ending idk I’ve ever seen before that requires you to have done certain things in ME1 and not got that person killed in ME2.

  • I’m fine with bash for ci/cd activities, for what you’re talking about I’d maybe use bash to control/schedule running of a script in something like python to query and push to an api but I do totally get using the tools you have available.

    I use bash a lot for automation but PowerShell is really nice for tasks like this and has been available in linux for a while. Seen it deployed into production for more or less this task, grabbing data from a sql server table and passing to SharePoint. It’s more powerful than a shell language probably needs to be, but it’s legitimately one of the nicer products MS has done.

    End of the day, use the right tool for the job at hand and be aware of risks. You can totally make web requests from sql server using ole automation procedures, set up a trigger to fire on update and send data to an api from a stored proc, if I recall there’s a reason they’re disabled by default (it’s been a very long time) but you can do it.