Watching the trailer video 10 times in a row is also slightly insane, but is free at least.
Watching the trailer video 10 times in a row is also slightly insane, but is free at least.
How long it will take for someone (not from China) to ruin it for everyone?
The phrase is “I Couldn’t care less”.
Sry. Long day. Still in pedantic mode.
Bingo. I also suspect they’re gambling on it being a failure. Hard ball behaviour if true but a failure of such a privatisation would be very high profile and likely put a stop to anything similar for a long time.
Also note that failures to meet agreed standards will have penalties so it might be possible for labour to force them out that way.
Go look at the northern ireland troubles. There are other similar situations in history but that’s a good example. Essentially you have to get people talking until they agree to peace. Violence of any type just fuels more conflict.
I suspect Israel just wants to wipe out its enemies. That can’t be done so they will have to stop one way or another.
I’ve only watched the first 4 mins but it sounds insane so far. Like they were expecting this woman to have a small army hiding in her cupboards. I’ll definitely watch the rest, though I understand this is her own version of events. Maybe I’ll post a summary of some sort. Few things rock me enough to motivate me to do anything much in response, but this seems insane.
I’m aware of the claims that she made some stupid statements about the holocaust. Interestingly those are published on pro-israel sites. I’ve seen other news outlets say those claims were debunked. Either way it doesn’t matter. It is her treatment by the police that works be the focus here.
Will they still get service support, it being a grey import?
Can’t see evidence you don’t actually look at.
Yli.think you make a reasonable point, but it feels like choosing between getting stabbed in the left leg vs the right leg.
They are just jealous that someone else is getting all the tasty data, and they think it should be going to a US company instead.
Eurovision is a pantomime. D list celebs and cheesy songs.
Call me cynical, but I reckon they fully expect to get booted from the show and are intentionally milking the situation for propaganda purposes back home.
When you Google a technical thing you could use the whole sentence like “in a bash session how would you pipe the output from cat to something else?” But that is long winded and can be constraining for the search engine so you boil it down to just the essential words". Start with “how to” then add “bash Cat pipe”, and insert “with” because that is the desired adjective.
I’ve just woken up and I’m wondering if I missed an implied /s. Anyway.
I wondered what was going on when Steam said Counter-Striker 2 successfully updated.
Curious. Seems to work both ways.
I’m waiting for the day when these enhanced terminals go full GUI and mouse driven.