10 million native Urdu speakers in Pakistan? there’s 11 million in Lahore alone and I’ve never met someone there who doesn’t speak Urdu
10 million native Urdu speakers in Pakistan? there’s 11 million in Lahore alone and I’ve never met someone there who doesn’t speak Urdu
I’m so cooked I genuinely thought that’s what it was at first, until I noticed all the words were slang/recent colloquialisms
Just noticed in euclidean geometry, for any two line segments touching at a point there is exactly one triangle you can draw, i.e. a triangle is uniquely described by any two of its legs. In spherical geometry, there are two choices for the third leg!
you can make it sort the first k elements and it will still be O(1). Set k high enough and it might even be useful
You don’t need the and right? Can’t it just be return a or b
This doesn’t work if a is falsy non-null actually
I love the idea of using multiple font faces at the same time while looking at code. I wonder if (hope?) terminals will one day soon support switching fonts with control sequences… Would be pretty awesome!
It looks like it’s not an actual height difference, but the smaller width makes the second i look significantly smaller than the first, also implying a lower height.
Why is the headline conflicting with the subtitle by a factor of 10?
Young and impressionable kids? I started playing the original MW2 when I was 11.
The difference between generating JSON and generating HTML is minimal for the server, doesn’t seem to me like server side rendered sites have significantly higher server compute costs. Also generally for SPAs, the server has to replicate whatever flow is happening on the client anyway to keep state in line (since the client can’t be trusted)
Seems like the prediction about the web panned out…
I think there’s a way to do this with userChrome.css
if you hide the button elements.
This is a great deep dive! I am curious how difficult/slow it is to extend the modern xterm interface. For example, I saw that some terminals now support squiggly underlines for errors. What would it take to build a terminal (and associated interface) that supported things like text size? (Of course it would break a lot of applications that treat the screen as a two dimensional grid)
Last time I used warp it also wasn’t super customizable. I like messing with the prompt and stuff. I wonder if that’s changed. I did get a t-shirt from them for doing a user interview though :)
I would love something like this!
I really love PowerPoint. I feel like the automatic snapping features and general polish allow me to make very pretty slides with a high level of control, and it feels way better to use than e.g. web-based alternatives. Admittedly, I haven’t tried a foss alternative in years.
I don’t write, but the Neorg project seems to be getting some attention from writers
I created a variant of Monokai/Monokai Soda called Monokai Vapor, available in the marketplace :)
I wonder if there’s already a git extension to automatically stash the working tree on every clean/reset/checkout operation…