I highly doubt anyone would guess ANSI C is what I’m talking about if I referred to it as C+
I highly doubt anyone would guess ANSI C is what I’m talking about if I referred to it as C+
Every moment is a point of no return, unfortunately.
Obligatory mention of file recovery as an option if you get in this situation.I recommend testdisk but there are other more gui friendly options.
NTFS takes a relatively long time to destroy the data so chances of recovery are good on Windows.
It’s because people put in the hard work of writing amazing macros instead of baking code reuse into the type system itself 😁 I’m a rust noob and I love the derive macro.
Yep sounds familiar 😅
My home Internet charges extra when I use more than 1 TB per month. Not sure but I think it’s metered both up and down.
You can offer that your car is not parked in the parking lot. No one will check but if there are cameras they have the option of checking later.
Ah I have a TP-link router as well, two actually, and Im not monitoring my home network at all. Your experience makes me think I should!
Maybe set up Kismet https://www.kismetwireless.net/
That’ll show devices attempting to break in wirelessly
… So when you port scanned it, IIS was gone?
How do you know it sent data? Any chance you have packet captures?
Maybe try traceroutre or lft (layer 4 traceroutre) to see if something wacky is happening with routing in your lan?
Any device can decide to set it’s own IP so that’s not too far fetched. Have any IoT crap like a water softener or colorful lights or speakers or cameras?
You’re looking at my worst nightmare 😅
I would download metasploit and dig up some interesting exploits to try against it.
How are you currently serving publicly?
But it does rebuild all the libraries every time does it not?
Lol rust winamp clone let’s gooooo
They inject excess heat into others via claws and teeth
Gitlab probably isn’t much better these days but at least it’s open sauce. Until I build a forgejo instance it’s gitlab for me.