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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • For a 200 year old law, it’s pretty straight forward. And for all it’s flaws, the Nth revolution didn’t like the Catholic church for … reasons, so they wanted to make a law to get them out of politics and make them liable for their shenanigans. Thankfully they didn’t discriminate when they wrote the law.



     The principle of secularism means that the State and religious organisations are separate. There is therefore no state-run public worship. The State neither recognises, nor subsidises, nor salaries any form of worship. Exceptions and adjustments to the ban on funding are defined in the legislation and case-law; they concern in particular chaplaincies, which are paid for by the State1

     No religion can impose its prescriptions on the Republic. No religious principle can be invoked for disobeying the law.

  • I’m not American, and I don’t know exactly what the legal differences are between “indicted”, “charged” and “accused”. When is he going to be put in handcuffs and detained in a jail cell like a normal person would be if they were suspected of committing a crime (like stealing a handbag for example) but not convicted yet?

    He is getting slightly better than normal rich person with expensive lawyer treatment.

    America, as a pure service economy has prices for bribery and extortion as well as minimum service levels for the legal system. If you pay for economy (with your life) you get a defense attorney appointed by the state who sits across from the judge and DA you’re going to have to deal with, and has lunch with them, or makes deals in the bathroom… They’ll fight to make sure their life doesn’t get disrupted a whole lot and they can keep defending the endless stream of defendants.

    The middle tier is the “hire a reptable firm, and get a junior associate” level of service, that’s where you get someone who’s overworked, and desperately trying to keep all their partner’s cases going, and they can spend 1/10th of their time on your case, they don’t have any worries about not having a job though so they can dedicate the time in court to defending you.

    The top tier is the “hire a reputable firm, and you get a named partner” they care about their reputation, and make sure they only take cases that will make them look good. And they look good by doing the best damn job they can in front of the cameras, in their filings, and in front of their client. You get the white glove treatment, and 90% of the time of the junior associates helping the partner.

    It’s no wonder why you typically only get the “Go home and sleep it off” result from an indictment from the highest tier of service.

  • In cases such as this it would be amazing to bar them from having funerals.

    “You’re too old to sit in a cell, so we’re just not going to ever lay you to rest”

    Maybe it would help these criminals think about ramifications before committing their heinous offenses.

    Oh come now, we have much worse punishments: they’re now under conservatorship, by Britney Spears dad and are on their way to the cheapest old folks home in their state. They’re “technology safe” so they can’t access the internet for their own personal safety…

    Ya know, old folks prison, where poor people go after their family forgets about them and they die of neglect.