Took me ages to find anything, but here’s a dragon encounter in adventure mode. It’s a bit slow because it’s turn based, but at least it has dragon fire in it, albeit not as great as described above:
Took me ages to find anything, but here’s a dragon encounter in adventure mode. It’s a bit slow because it’s turn based, but at least it has dragon fire in it, albeit not as great as described above:
Iirc a camel has two humps and a dromedar has one, but that’s something I learned, like, 30 years ago, so I might be wrong.
Edit: so a dromedary is a one humped camel. A bactrian camel has two humps.
Add a drop table statement to it while you’re at it
Some people have such great hair you feel disappointed when you see them from the other side
I did not want to be reminded of that today 😡
PHP 8 makes it finally possible to rescue the princess, but you accidentally princess the rescue instead.
I consider myself social. I’m a programmer because I love making things, and because I’m lazy, and I hate doing repetitive tasks.
The last cockroach writes an AI in JavaScript to carry on the legacy
You’re right. Apparently I wasn’t going off a good source.
I read somewhere that you can survive on salty water as long as you don’t leave it until you are severely dehydrated. You need to let your body adapt.
It was from research on how to survive lost at sea.
Not drinking water at all is a definite death sentence.
Edit: Looking a bit more into this, sea water will also kill you as it does dehydrate because your kidneys will try to deposit excess salt into your urin, but is unable to create urin that is saltier than sea water. You simply start peeing more than you drink.
The question is which option kills you faster?
By running a select query first, you get a nice list of the rows you are going to change. If the list is the entire set, you’ll likely notice.
If it looks good, you run the update query using the same where clause.
But that’s for manual changes. OP’s update statement looks like it might be generated from code, in which case this wouldn’t have helped.
So long, dental plan!
I gotta try that! I just upgraded my camera from a Nikon D50 to a D3500 and it sparked a new interest in photography. I also have a 200mm lens.
Edit: oops, it’s a 105mm lens. The 200mm one broke, altho it might still be good for this since it’s the autofocus that broke.
Hmm, must be different from region to region within Europe. Wood is a popular building material in Finland, at least.
I have been playing Subnautica exclusively for over a month now and I can’t stop. Halp!
Edit: I got to the ice worm part in Below Zero, and now I feel ready to quit.
The comment above claimed only people who never used PHP hate on it. The point was a counter claim to that.
It wasn’t a serious question 🙂
Sounds like you’re talking about good old vi or vim.
Is Ctrl + ⬅️ for typing ‘b’ then?
Harder than impossible. Now that’s a feature!
I had to google “obtuse”
You’re an angle over 90° Me too.