I love grammars. It’s like an API or a data schema, but for a language. This would be very cool and I would love to see it!
I love grammars. It’s like an API or a data schema, but for a language. This would be very cool and I would love to see it!
Devops is a meaningful term
You’re out here solving impossible problems. You’re “The Fixer” from Pulp Fiction. Fools look at story points. Pros see an unsolvable story that languished for years until you came along and defeated it. A single point for you is an entire epic to other teams.
Everything is a differentiator that can be spun to your advantage. The points aren’t accurate, and you’re the only one with enough guts to step up to the plate and finally work these neglected tickets; even if it won’t “look good” on some “dashboard” - that’s not what’s important; you’re here to help the organization succeed.
If the system doesn’t make you look good, you have to make yourself look good. If you weren’t putting in the effort, it would be hard - but as you say, everyone who takes a deeper look clearly sees the odds stacked against you, and how hard you’re working / the progress you’re making; despite those odds.
Don’t let some metrics dashboard decide your worth, king!
I’m very flaky here, as rust is the big one, but I think zig and/or nim might be
Vscode already supports linting yaml against a schema file. Once you start configuring your code with configuration-as-code, you’re just writing more code.
If I need to “generate” some insane config with miles of boilerplate, I would use js to build my json, which can be ported to just about anything. This would replace js in that process.
I’m not sold on the need for this.
Even with something like k8s, I’d reach for pulumi before I put another layer on top of yaml.
The other six are (copied from the article):
JavaScript / TypeScript are famously free-form, but a number of styles (and style-enforcing tools) have emerged.
“Prettier” is the most recent. It actually parses your code into an AST and then re-prints it according to its style.
“ESLint” is the most widespread; it is more of a framework into which rules can be plugged.
I use “XO”, which is essentially a custom eslint ruleset with a few other nice things tacked on.
The best part of eslint/xo is the “—fix” command, which can auto-fix most mistakes.
The game of Mao begins now.
Even more unusual variants include […] a game which, instead of allowing voting on rules, splits into two sub-games, one with the rule, and one without it.
This sounds insane and delightful
I gave their protocol page a look; it’s extremely in-depth. I have no idea what a vector clock is but now I get to learn. I like how they explain why blockchain isn’t a good fit.
I’m a touch worried about the extensability of the protocol, but I haven’t given it a deep read yet. I very much appreciate the share!
At EoL, corporate security tells the IT department to uninstall it.
Windows works great because MS tapes it back together slightly faster than it falls apart.
When EoL hits, those devices are either trashed, firewalled into oblivion, or assimilated into the kube.
Wanna come configure optimus for me?
lite-xl with LSP gives you most of the features of vscode (they’re both lsp) at a tiny percentage of the system resources
Time to dive into the wide world of VTTYs. I believe you’re writing to pts3’s output buffer - writing to its input buffer is a different virtual device / may be a process descriptor, I’m not sure. Look into the history of vttys and it should start to make sense.
This will go about as well as broadcom’s acquisition of Symantec (not well).
If you can get rid of vmware, you will have to, and if you can’t, you’ll ship buckets of benjamins to broadcom and in return they might keep your company alive.
I would use z-indexes to setup the layering. Have a base layer, the “filter” layer, and then the ui on top.
Basically 3 divs, with z-index 1/2/3 respectively. Put elements on the base layer or ui layer based on if you should see them always or not.
For the filter, I would do an svg of a rectangle, big enough to cover the screen, and a hole in it. Then use js to set the svg’s position relative to the mouse.
The svg could easily be made transparent, black, or even get that fade effect around the edges.
I must disagree.
We need not wait for marginalized groups to be impacted to decry T1 ISP censorship. Ban whatever speech you want; the method of enforcement should be to arrest the perpetrators - not stop the sale of paper, the delivery of mail, or blocklist class A ip ranges.
On a more philosophical level, this is the question of “kindergarten policy” - do we punish those who crayon on the walls, or do we take away everybody’s crayons. To punish the ability to do wrong, or the act of doing wrong. Like most philosophical questions, there’s no good answer to this.
I work as a cybersecurity consultant.
This is going to be excellent for business.
Who wants to announce a partnership with me to promote irresponsible AI?
Steam / water doesn’t allow the temperature to get high enough.