Don’t forget R Kelly
Don’t forget R Kelly
He is being too nice. He needs to get a lawyer and sue that shitty company for harassment and whatever else.
ETA: The US isn’t overly litigious. We are under litigious if anything.
Conservative = my group is better than yours so we deserve power and resources
Scape goating a weak group to sell it to a lower class (E.g. Pre MLK US blacks - poor whites)
Appealing to fear and presenting a protector strong man
Appealing to tradition and good old days (that sucked)
Anti intellectualism
A number of measures to help students concentrate are taken during the annual event such as closing the country’s airspace and delaying the opening of the stock market.
That is what thinking of the children really looks like. Here in the US we just make stupid age verification laws for porn sites like it is going to make porn hard for teenagers to get.
The US intelligence apparatus doesn’t do this. The OPM does.
As per your second paragraph and many other comments. I agree. It is hard to avoid it being politicized at any step of the process. Everything interview would have to be recorded. Copies of all reviewed records would need to be kept. Adjudicators would need heavily redacted transcripts of the records and interviews.
They get paid 274k…DC is expensive, but anyone that can’t live very comfortably on that is awful with money. Being awful with money will lose you a TS clearance because it makes you susceptible to bribery by spies. I would think it would also be a disqualifier for a SCOTUS judge for the same reason.
I think maintaining a TS clearance should be a requirement for all positions above a certain level in the federal government. Not because they need access to TS information, but to ensure they are at a lower risk of bribery, adversarial interests, and criminal activity. Getting a TS clearance isn’t terribly hard. Just generally have your act together. As long as you aren’t a train wreck, a drug addict, a criminal, an untrustworthy asshat, or have connections to adversaries, you will pass adjudication. TLDR: A TS clearance would ensure high level government employees are minimumly functional humans.
Which is completely irrelevant to the legitimacy of chiropractic.
When is the last time you went to a hospital and saw a chiropractic department? When was the last time you went to a hospital and saw an orthopedics department? I have never had an MD recommend I see a chiropractor, but I have been sent to an orthopedist who sent me to PT. It worked.
This all comes back to school board elections. How much information is typically available about school board candidates?
Maybe if you provide a few examples, it would help provide some insight?
The entire situation is a dumpster fire. Hamas resorting to random acts of violence instead of a targeted attack dooms their cause. Giving in to terrorism sends the message that it is an effective strategy, encouraging more of it. Israel’s reaction is almost as bad. Everyone is being punished for the actions of a few. The antisemitism from people like this hurts the Palestinian cause too.
When pulled over, any interaction beyond what is required by law should be not answered or answered with something along the lines of invoking the 5th. There are a bazillion YouTube lawyers that all the say this.
If you need directions, put in something that isn’t the abortion place, but has it along the way, like a national park or other tourist place, some conference, etc. Then put in the real destination when you get across the border.
they will simultaneously say that they are all moderates or conservatives.
That is the infuriating part. The people the are voting for are anything but that when you think about what they say the value and what those they vote for do. Case in point, I just got a mailer from a local politician with some anti trans nonsense about some trans woman athlete that did well and it wasn’t fair because she used to male. Wouldn’t the small government approach be to leave it up to the sports organization?
Same with schools. Why are all these alleged conservatives that claim small government out of their business trying to micromanage school libraries?
Why do these government out of my business types want the only way to get around be a car you have to have government permission to operate that you must register with the government that must meet government safety and emissions regulations, that you can only effectively use on government roads that are monitored constantly by government police and you have to have government mandated insurance that meets government requirements.
Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses.
I hope they make high schoolers learn about this song in a hundred years.
“Now students, in the late 20th century, musicians often blended styles. Rage Against the Machine has elements of metal and rap. This song is about the abuse of power and and bigotry by government enforcers, particularly police brutality towards non whites in the United States. This songs melody, lyrics, and singing style brilliantly expressed the rage many people felt about the state of the US legal system at the time, as evidenced by the civil rights movement, LA riots, and Black Lives Matter movement. Ironically, there are videos of people the song is critical of praising it or listening to it.”
I don’t think people are all that left. I think conservative has been misused so much it is almost a drop in for fascist or laissez fair capitalist.
E.g. abortion. The conservative mindset is to keep regulations to a minimal and defer to the medical community. Overruling Roe was pretty radical and goes against the recommendations of the medical community. It is also government getting into people’s business.
E.g. climate. Wouldn’t it be more conservative to err on the side of caution and do things that are a good idea anyway and reduce GHG, like renewables and reducing car dependent design? Replacing street cars, trams, and rails with cars everywhere was a pretty radical move.
I can keep going with examples, but I think that is clear enough.
I just had another thought. I wonder if it will eliminate a lot of escalation and fleeing due to people being afraid of going to jail?
I’m not all in on prison abolitionism, but I think this is a good step in legal system reform. Most people in jail probably aren’t much of a threat to society.
In the US, people typically drive cars to work. These cars are 3000-6000 pounds that move 20-30 miles by burning oiil at 25% efficiency while also polluting the air with brake and tire dust.
YES!!! I’ve been saying it too! I’d leave out metaphysics other than an introduction to what it is with an example or two. We are seriously lacking in epistemology. I would focus it mainly on epistemology and ethics though.