Terrible ad is terrible
Terrible ad is terrible
Second paragraph is an easy one on my bingo card. Parents are so predictable always thinking they are more tired or more stressed than any non-parent. It doesn’t work like that.
Parents do have a lot of reasons to be tired or stressed but it is self elected. Non-parents (and Parents!) Can also have self elected things that are stressful or tiring. Worse even is when someone has a non- elected thing that is stressful or tiring-- parent or not.
Being a parent is just a low level way to group people, but it doesn’t mean anything other than they just decided to procreate. I certainly have empathy when my coworkers are telling me about how they are tired because of a kid. But empathy should go both ways. Listening to conversations thinking that you have the trump card on stress is a shitty way to approach conversations.
That last line of manifesto hits hard
Entirely fair 😅
I want to believe in the process of our law but you’re right; between that and the blatant corruption within the Supreme Court and other elected offices…
If he gets caught, yes. I want to believe in the process of our law. And part of our laws support jury nullification. Now whether or not i would personally vote to convict/nullify is something I’ve been reflecting on and I’m not sure how i would vote. I do believe murder is wrong, but im also interested to know the actual data behind how many people died because claims were denied by united health group. We have two murderers, one who blatantly broke the law and one who did it within the law to make 22 billion in profit in 2023. How many people died to make that profit? And do those deaths make murder right? Idk.
This is not a lemmy problem. This is an everywhere problem. If you find a platform not talking about it then it is being heavily moderated and you’re going to be in an echo chamber. For instance Facebook had a United health memorial post with 25x more “haha” reactions than heart/ sad reactions.
Best of luck though
Edit: wall street journal has called this a “nationwide outpouring of anger and frustration”
Two ways:
prioritize your time. If something is important to you then you adjust other things to make time. Such as spending less time on social media aka lemmy.
shorter duration, higher intensity.
For you if you’re short on time id focus on running- walking, pushing yourself to run more frequently than if you had the full 2 hours. The idea is to get your heart rate up higher than normal
Hello, I’m very sorry you have had to experience this.
I got kicked out at 16. For me it wasn’t so much missing my specific parents, but i just missed the parents i didn’t have. You know, the ideal parents that existed only in my head; the ones that told me they’re proud of me, they support my choices, they accept me, they love me.
But beyond that i think at least for some of us it is normal to want to remember the good things despite the bad things, and it can be normal to miss those good things. My advice is to remember the person as a whole and tell yourself you’re better than how they treated you. You’re worth more than that. It hurts, but if they really loved you then they wouldn’t kick you out over something so trivial as your boyfriend being Hungarian.
It’s up to you if you want to keep the door open. I personally did and gave them room to talk to me and apologize. We talked superficially occasionally but they never did apologize before dying. i just accepted they were shit parents long ago so their deaths were just like any other day.
Ghost is github’s way of referencing deleted user apparently. Different people probably
A little but not completely. There are defunct ccTLDs that still exist and can be registered, but .io currently doesn’t have a clear future. I suspect that if a ccTLD is eliminated completely then there would be advance notice for you to start updating all your accounts to a new domain. So it would be annoying but not screwed
Register your own domain and use that. Then if your email provider dies then you can take your domain elsewhere.
They’re projected to win, counts are still unknown. Anyone looking at this a week ago could’ve said the same thing.
I have no doubt it will happen but i only care when it is confirmed, and again with the final count.
From what I’ve seen, Trump has already been considering this anyway. This is an empty threat
Same, I had already considered self hosting matrix but this will help find a few more options
It’s not about the quality, it’s about the speed.
That said, i generally plan ahead and rarely eat fast food. And rarely eat out in general. That shit is expensive
Ive been meaning to re-watch the minority report.