This group is going places! Incredible work 👍🏽
This group is going places! Incredible work 👍🏽
Is there any chance that the flight recorder being sent to the US could be intercepted by B0eing and “scrubbed” for any info that implicates them? Kind of a weird worry, but these days I expect all manner of crazy to transpire.
Why does it feel like this was a hit? Someone could have incentivized the girlfriend to convince the guys to take this on, but the someone could have been either in the department or another LEO office. Doesn’t seem random. RIP Detective, you were a good egg.
For sure this is happening at the federal level, but it certainly isn’t happening at all state levels. Grant funding from states doesn’t necessarily follow what the federal programs are doing so there is hope depending on where you are (…this is so unfortunate to say in itself).
This was kind of a masterpiece. Thank you for this!!
I wonder if maybe he reached out to a trusted adult that’s helping with the movement? I’m sure he’s leading the charge though 😄
I’m gleefully typing this response, so happy to see such a young person defending the value they see in library time. I’m all for it! This kiddo is making serious moves!
I use parchment paper and it works brilliantly as well!
With so much division at the federal level, it’s “nice” to see governors reaching out to each other like this. Maybe if they learn anything from this exercise, it’ll be reflected as more sound protections for their constituents in the form of bolstering pro-union, pro-solidarity grassroots movements.
I didn’t realize before, but now I want this too! Fantastic idea.
Surprisingly, what we have as a nation (imo some of the best ideas of our original constitution) were inspired by the politics of Indigenous Americans, in large part by the Haudenosaunee Confederacy. But the problem with that adaptation was that colonists adopted ideas in a piecemeal way without paying full respect to the broader meaning of those ideas (also in context to cultural and social norms, etc.). The US Constitution didn’t pay much reverence to the collective social responsibility of being good stewards of the environment, and instead focused on the pursuit of individual liberties. This experiment has now, with its initial set of conditions taken with far less context than was needed, has evolved to what it currently is in a fraction of the time that Indigenous Americans had a relatively stable socioeconomic and political existence. We might all benefit from learning more about Indigenous democratic institutions, and I certainly wish I would have been exposed to this history sooner.
Same here! We are the same people as we were before the election, and our mutual aid networks will be that much more important now, so it’s time to make a more robust connection with others. Thank you for focusing on what we can control and how we can shape the future to what we want it to be!
Solidary with the workers! No scabs allowed!
That’s really interesting that they don’t take political stances, yet why was it such a necessity for them to go out of their way and deliver their food to IOF troops and support their work? That must have been okayed by corporate because it was on a ton of media outlets. Seems pretty political to me.
Lol “…they have to list their address as ‘Low Earth Orbit’”
When you get around to HZD, the DLC Frozen Wilds and Horizon: Forbidden West are highly recommended. I’m halfway through the second and it’s so amazing.
They should have just taken the chance to detain him there, but no one seems to care because there’s too much powerful support for genocide in the West.
Why do I feel like this is another manifestation of the “dominion over all” mentality? This seems to be a core value for those that practice Christianity and that hold misogynistic ideals. It’s just such a slippery slope to Authoritarian/Christian Nationalism from there.
I’m not surprised Cornell is taking this stance and employing this hasty methodology. They have a reputation for being a major business that benefits from massive money flow. It stands to reason that they care more about money than supporting students… Unless they have lots of money.
Ooh this is really insightful for someone who knows little about the details of tracking and browsing on the Internet. Thanks!