How will you know you are deficient in B6?
How will you know you are deficient in B6?
I only got quite simple tests tbf, but I don’t look for senior positions. Main thing is to just get the problem solved writing decent code (if it’s a home assignment) or to walk them through your reasonings
The only time I got a leetcode waste of time it was a Dijsktra/A* problem (which I failed)
Why? Tech tests are fine, absurd complex tests for shitty jobs are not
chroot chroot chroot!
Dude, what you wrote is cockiness^cocky
I liked using CLion for both Rust and C++, now I see they outright deprecated the Rust plugin
I got cursed with big, thick, hands so I can use my iPhone 13 Pro Max with one hand…
Imagine being a woman with very being hands, not funny at all
Left is clearly more readable, after you read comments. I think the example is bad though, and in most cases right would be clearer
Sorry, please don’t take this as an attack. It’s just that I’m so tired of that lame joke.
I tried to present this as an observation. When filing a bug report (which I tried to emulate here), you have to take into account the distro, as it may influence the behavior of the software in question. Namely here Firefox.
Now, does that make you laugh? Good, laugh about it. But please think about it in this context. You are laughing about a personal choice. Prejudice is taking hold of your mind. You’re turning someone’s choice into a strawman, easy to be laughed at just because.
It’s a bit like attacking vegans. Now it’s not about this or that person and their choice. They’re evened out, ridiculed, just because it’s memetic to do so. The same with Arch users, so it seems.
I don’t use Arch btw. There’s no btw because I don’t care about that. This just reminds me of how certain groups always have to hear the same old tired jokes about them, just because, individually, everyone telling those jokes feels it’s so clever to do so.
Sorry. I think we can do better than this here at Lemmy. Again, this is not an attack. Perhaps just a reminder.
I guess so that if I leave, they won’t be fucked
JS/TS, Rust-ish, and CPP
Why not both…?
How does it feel having poop liquify in your butt?
Yeah, probably. In the end maybe I will end up using c++ cause a coworker is pushing for it (although he knows nothing of the language). Ironically, I’m the one advising not to cause I know I don’t know lol
Yes, I had that in my house
The project is brand new (as in, the integration backend doesn’t exist), I have to code and architecture it
It’s not web backend
What existing code? I have to write the whole thing from scratch
There is no codebase, I have to write it from scratch. Also nope, I’ve religiously avoided Java so far
-something… uh…. A big number
What were we talking about again?