“CrimeDad” asking us about our security setups? Good try buddy.
I personally prefer consistent and smaller releases. It offers less opportunity for big bugs to creep in along with smaller fixes and features.
I saw agile mentioned here but here’s another suggestion. Agile can be helpful in the right situations but for solo devs/tiny teams, I really recommend looking into Basecamps “Shape Up” method. It uses longer cycles vs shorter sprints with a cool down period in between.
So in the case of OP, they could set a 6 week cycle and plan for things that can definitely be completed during that time period. Right at the end of the cycle you release. The goal is to finish before the cooldown to give yourself time to breathe and plan what to do for your next cycle. Play around with a fun feature, learn about a new tool or technique you wanna try, organizing your backlog, etc. You don’t want to spill tasks into the cooldown. Else it’s not a cooldown.
The online version of the Shape Up book is free and can be found here.
Wow… I feel dumb. I’ve used Bruno for over a year now and never noticed.
Saw this one yesterday. Pretty neat!!
Damn. Guess I need to throw out my 37 boxes of twinkies I was storing for bad times.
Yes correct. But I’m more pointing that that saying “only a cat 4” comes across like if it was a weak storm that did all the damage. It was about 15mph shy of being the highest rating.
“Only” a cat 4? It was one step away from the highest rating of 5…
Just looked them up… holy hell. How does one have so many repos! And all the apps he’s made. What’s the story on them?
Edit: just looked it up myself. Seems to be a well liked person in the open source community. Idk. Regardless, props to them for the work they put in.
This was taken at 12:00 AM your time?! I’m always fascinated by sunlight being around at “non-normal” times.
At my last company, we used the scaled TBD. For personal projects I do the same. It’s honestly really nice. Not having to worry about merging issues between a dev branch and main branch was probably the biggest benefit. The code base also felt more accessible to the team. Cherry-picking a particular commit that a teammate worked on that’s been merged but I needed on my feature/bug branch was also painless.
I understand your point. But science has also shown us over time that things we thought were magic were actually things we can figure out. Consciousness is definitely up there in that category of us not fully understanding it. So what might seem like magic now, might be well-understood science later.
Not able to provide links at the moment, but there are also examples on the other side of the argument that lead us to think that maybe consciousness isn’t fully tied to physical components. Sure, the brain might interface with senses, consciousness, and other parts to give us the whole experience as a human. But does all of that equate to consciousness? Is the UI of a system the same thing as the user?
Consciousness might not even be “attached” to the brain. We think with our brains but being conscious could be a separate function or even non-local.
That’s a neat way to analyze what works for you without having to rely on memory or feel. The bit with the EV changes over the last couple years really shows how your range of photos and environments has changed.
On a similar note, one technique I use while lucid dreaming is to try to pass my right hands index finger through my left hands palm. If I feel and see the resistance to my skin, I know I’m awake.
😂 thank you for the clarification. Took a gamble on the comment and lost.
I was a fan of the bears friend, the polar bear named “Logan Roy”.
Fuck off!
With his grubby fingers all up in that pudding.