The jailbait subreddit was regularly on the front page and openly joked about for years, Spez was even a mod for a bit “as a joke” until Anderson Cooper did a story about it.
The jailbait subreddit was regularly on the front page and openly joked about for years, Spez was even a mod for a bit “as a joke” until Anderson Cooper did a story about it.
Additionally, some instances disable up/downvotes as well so you don’t even need to worry about internet points if you don’t want to.
It’s worth looking around and finding a few instances you like and checking them out. Some tend to have their old local culture which is kind of neat.
Yeah that’s called “prejudice” and isnt a good quality.
Swap “southern” for “black” or “gay” and see if you’d be proud to make that same claim.
Fucking lol at hateful idiots stereotyping an entire geographic area. I’m sure in their minds it’s completely different than stereotyping people because of their race/creed/gender/whatever.
drag opposes the existence of the post office.
If speaking in the 3rd person didn’t show the caliber of mind you’re working with “opposing the existence of the post office” definitely would.
What margin did Trump win the country by?
How many voters didn’t vote due to the genocide?
What margin did Trump win Michigan by?
No you won’t, NZ is one of the hardest countries to immigrate to.
This is incredible and is going to be such a benefit to the community. Your wife is good people and the world truly needs more libraries and “third places” for everyone in a community to use and feel safe in regardless of their socioeconomic status or education or anything else.
So you meant to say “Cincinnati will literally compose people without a shred of evidence” ?
Is that correct?
She really likes her new hoodie.
Seriously, journaling has been extremely helpful, I only started doing it after I started talking to a professional (other than a few classes in school) and it makes our talks infinitely more productive. It really really really helps me organize my thoughts and emotions in a way that just letting the day wash over me and rolling with with it does not.
You need time to process your thoughts and feelings. You can effectively “mini” counsel yourself just by stepping back and getting a different perspective. Words are powerful things and when you’re forced to slow down and try to summarize the incredibly complex emotional/psychological feelings we all have every day it can help you deal with things and give you insight into yourself, it’s a very powerful tool we can all use.
Despite a firm hand-slapping by the CCP Mr. Ma remains one of the richest men in the world and is still extremely influential.
Tipped your hand a bit there, next thing you know you’ll be talking about “satanic” things and stealing adrenochrome from babies.
Paid propagandist, true believer, troll. I’m not sure it makes that much difference.
Wow, this is such an accurate description of so many online communities that have come and gone over the years, nicely done.
Reaching a bit there, what’s located at the right/passenger side that would burn?
You agreed with a murderer, now what?