Yep. Got such a service as well. I’ve got this one docker container that’s supposed to connect to a VPN and provide access from the outside to another one. The bitch keeps just crashing to a point where even “restart policy: always” will give up on it. Doesn’t matter too much usually, since I can start the container before I need it, and it will usually run for half a day or so, yet still
Remember the super important maintenance things you learned by hard? This is them now. Feel old yet?
So if piracy was “widespread and natural” it’d be bueno?
You need to always remember that the patient in such a situation is at the lowest possible point. You cannot make “dead” any worse. So “risks” don’t apply in that moment.
Or, as a paramedic I knew said when someone asked him about the same question: “Whatever happens, it won’t kill him”
Isn’t that overthinking overthinking a little?
Yeah, that goes for any data though. The question was more if Immich is really so unstable that it might just shred your images because it had a bad day. And to that I can say: no, it won’t. Yet, photos are very important to many people, so they put that warning there.
The PDF situation all over again
Oh, it is silly and it is stupid. Yet, it’s how EA acted under Johnny here. That’s the time they were regularly voted as the worst US company. They pulled this with so many things (“Fun surprise mechanics”)
So the Unity stakeholders were less willing to let John do the "if you want something no one’s gonna accept, announce something even more horrible and then release a ‘we heard you’ statement where you announce the thing you wanted in the first place as comprise " bullcrap?
Instant PTSD. Only beaten by an error in, say, Line 84 in a file that has 72 lines only
I think this is super dependant on the systems in place where you live. Here in Germany, the reasoning should be “if I stay home now and recover, will this be more beneficial to me and the employer because my condition will worsen or not get better if I go?” If the answer is yes, you should stay home
I have used Joplin for a good while. I self hosted a little docker server for sync and off I went. There are paid sync plans available though. Nowadays I’m lazy and use the notes of my Nextcloud instance most of the time.
Xenoblade is awesome! It blew my mind that sooo many really outstanding Switch games were in fact done by the same company!
Idk where this upheaval always comes from when a Youtuber decides to not work for a while. If Dan Smithson in 69 Boredom-Boulevard, Unspectacular-City, Illinois decides to take a break from freelance-work, no one bats an eye. But if a Youtuber does it, everybody loses their minds!
Yeah, especially with Lemmy which is a lot more permanent than Mastodon is. You can screenshot your old toots but you can’t screenshot a userbase. There should be a way to migrate a community to another instance while keeping the subscriptions.
So are you looking to connect storage to it and run local media or are you looking more for a streaming thing to play Netflix and such?