I don’t know if it’s been updated recently, but take into account that LXQT doesn’t support global shortcuts yet ☝️
It works well, but it’s still missing features; as they say: it’s experimental right now.
I don’t know if it’s been updated recently, but take into account that LXQT doesn’t support global shortcuts yet ☝️
It works well, but it’s still missing features; as they say: it’s experimental right now.
Too many times I’ve been at the very limit of failing to deliver an assignment. I used to have classes from morning to night (used to get home at 23:00) and sometimes I did homework at uni and scan/upload in my computer since camera-scanned documents don’t look as good, so I had to deliver them ASAP, but Windows would take a LOT of time to load Teams and sometimes it started applying updates at startup, so it would be SLOW AS HELL.
Just some days ago it happened again (the homework was assigned a day before) so I booted up windows and what a surprise (/s) it started applying updates, so Teams wouldn’t even open. I had to send the files from there to my linux computer (I love you, KDE connect!) because I still had to add some things to the document and Teams for Linux loaded in a second lol
I’m still using Docker Rootless, which I want to change for Podman since Rootless is second-class for Docker, but I haven’t been able to read the documentation enough to understand Podman Quadlets to migrate my compose files, and there are some incompatible configurations so even if using podlet
, I have to edit some things manually.
I also want to migrate to MicroOS if possible in my server, but I’m still testing things in a VM to understand enough and the cost-benefit u.u
This has happened in México too, the most famously recorded one was during Enrique Peña Nieto’s term (sorry for linking to YT). They said the flag thing was an accident, but it was during the Flag Day and everyone was angry with the way the government was handling things. The government-influenced media was angry with the military because “they made a mistake”, but we all knew why it happened.
I’m self-hosting in a 500GB HDD, 2 cores AMD A6, 8GB RAM thinkcentre (access for LAN only) that I got very cheap.
It could be better, I’m going to buy a new computer for personal use and I’m the only one in my family who uses the hosted services, so upgrades will come later 😴
She has Jewish ancestry, but she’s said she does not practice religion.
If you do or know someone that will do, please take into consideration that the housing market in México, right now, has been favoring foreigners and that in some areas, they’ve displaced the locals and raised prices so much that they can’t afford to be there anymore (be for shopping, working, etc.). Please don’t contribute to this and research before, do not try to pay in euros/dollars, come legally and work legally.
I use Tab Stash if I’m about to close/restart the browser or I changed the focus of my research, but if I don’t wanna lose some keywords or something, I prefer to use KNotes (or any sticky notes) and write why some keywords are important and their context, so I don’t have to maintain too many open tabs. Just yesterday I had like 15 tabs and was overwhelmed lol
It is a metasearch engine, so you can tweak the sources of the results, default language, etc. I personally use all the default plus some more engines and all languages, then reduce results if I can’t find useful information. It has made searches easier for me, since you can find all types of information with just one click (Search | Images | Files | Academic | etc.) and multiple languages, but it can be not so welcoming to people that want simple searches.
I think the problem is that people use tiktoks as arguments or complete sources rather than an introduction to a topic, which is how I see them. Also, I prefer to see cat videos, memes and other good things, it’s not my main source of information, but a complimentary one; I sometimes leave TikTok because I saw some news or articles that I want to read or fact check :)
Not everyone has to be informed or learn 24/7, but TikTok offers both entertainment an information in a faster way, as I share tiktoks with my friends and they see both my main concerns around the world and cat videos I want them to see. I prefer that they see a 2min. video about our presidential elections than ignore a complete article or news I share in any other social media profile I have.
They added support for longer videos and the algorithm works better than YouTube in my case. I have a feed of recent videos from the people I follow rather than old, new, sponsored and/or recommended videos that YouTube shows even in my subscriptions feed. The main problem I see is minors having access to TikTok (and social media in general), and TikTok should pay attention to this. I still agree with you, but I won’t deny how digestible TikTok has made a lof of information that would, otherwise, be lost and that I can share with my friends easier that sharing a YouTube link and everyone ignoring it.
I agree with you in certain points, but there are others that are just wrong. Seem like you didn’t even check what you wrote. Also, you compare it constantly with Chrome, but then in the comments you talk about other Chromium-based browsers that have even less market share, which is it?
I won’t deny that you’re right in some points, but please fact check what you just wrote before complaining.
Thanks for pointing that out. I think some are also supported in KWin:)