Firefox had tab grouping first. Before Chrome. And then it broke support for it when they did the add-ons overhaul. I’m surprised bringing it back wasn’t a high priority…
Firefox had tab grouping first. Before Chrome. And then it broke support for it when they did the add-ons overhaul. I’m surprised bringing it back wasn’t a high priority…
basically this comes down to time and money. if you’re a hobbyist, you have lots of options available, but they take time to learn and you probably already know html. if you’re a professional, developer time is more expensive than cpu cycles and you probably already employ a web developer. unless there’s a good reason, most people won’t learn an entirely new GUI toolchain.
Electron apps ship their own chromium-based renderer, but ‘webview’ means the OS gets to use its own renderer. It’s still a browser-like environment, but at least the OS can choose the most performant one.
I would like to believe this is sarcasm, but it’s impossible to distinguish fake stupidity from real stupidity; Poe’s law.
I think we live in an age where advertisements are literally gaslighting, and also where large portions of the population are bombarded with advertisements on a daily basis. I’m not surprised if people’s grip on reality gets a little wobbly, resisting all that propaganda is a lot of effort.
Please tell me the “Triple I Initiative” involves Solanum (Outer Wilds)