I should visit a glacier so I can see what they look like, before they’re all gone forever.
Iceland’s just over the pond and I’ve always wanted to visit, hmm!
Hi there!
I should visit a glacier so I can see what they look like, before they’re all gone forever.
Iceland’s just over the pond and I’ve always wanted to visit, hmm!
If the Republican Party can purge the United Kingdom they deserve the win that’s impressive range.
The photo is weirdly blurry and grainy so be suspicious.
You mean the filthy window? Yeah, something tells me they get pollution there and don’t clean the outside of the windows as often as they should. I’ve seen that kinda filthy often enough on office windows.
They left retroreflective mirrors there when they visited, you shine a light at them and it bounces right back at you, and that’s what we do with a laser at an Observatory, it’s pretty cool! :-D
I consider that another piece of evidence, in a big pile of evidence, but I suppose crazy people can say we sent the mirrors up with a rocket on their own or whatever idk. Crazy people gonna crazy.
You know what’s really crazy? Some people think the USA is real and not just a TV show and 300 million AI bots. Had anyone ever actually been there? No, of course not, it’s all Hollywood movie magic! (Hollywood’s a secret propaganda studio based out of Cuba, which is real obviously because we get rum from there)
That wouldn’t make sense though right? 10 bits is barely more than a single byte, if we can only process the equivalent of a single text character per second, how do we… exist?
Ooooooooohhhhhhhhh, I was confused when I heard all the news articles on this, which were using bits as a reference, and I was confused how the brain was thousands of times slower than dial up haha, that it’s way more interesting now that I get it!
I agree but also how the heck did you forget Reach! 😅
What an absolutely phenomenal single player game in the series, and absolutely fantastic multiplayer to boot! :-D
Gosh the Reach score lives rent free in my head all these years later… ♥️
Any exercise is better than none :-)
We all have varied, busy lives that never fit the neat structured exercise plans we read about, or make for ourselves. Sometimes we only find 15 minutes free in a day for some quick exercise. And if that’s the only time we have available that day, then that’s enough.
Ideally you’ll find time for more structured exercise at least once a week, but don’t beat yourself up if you struggle with your schedule, you’re only human, just do what you can, that already puts you ahead of most people <3
I’m always annoyed when people say “You should just get therapy”, because of how completely inaccessible it is to those of us not wealthy enough to be in the upper middle class, which is most of us these days.
They’re basically saying “Your problems are fixable but only if you’ve got thousands of pounds to throw away on a therapist, if you’re a normal working class person you’re fecked”.
You might as well be saying “Homeless? Just buy a house duuh”.
I know you yourself mean well (and you do use the “practical” caveat which is appreciated), I don’t mean to sound overly harsh, it’s just this comes up a lot and as someone suffering greatly from mental illness destroying my life that I can’t afford to get treatment for it’s very depressing :-(
Is IPFS something your family and friends check on regularly? I don’t even know what it is.
Considering your reluctance to give any information about your assertion that such a project using it becomes useless, I’m not sure you know what it is either :P
You sound like a hoopy frood that knows where his towel is
Yes yes, studies show this, studies show that. And they all contradict each other, especially if you just wait a few years for things to come full circle.
It’s gotten to a point where I just don’t believe them any more.
Maybe coffee does in some circumstances with some people have a link to preventing diseases. Or maybe not.
We’ve seen, and will continue to see, well researched scientific studies that argue both sides of this, until the end of history.
Believe whatever makes you feel better, that’s all you can do, really.
No, it’s food preparation but nothing is being cooked.
… Might help if we knew what country you were from, mate. Which dollar? Which country?
Damn that sucks but glad things are moving in the right direction! What country had these banned?
But where does the extra money and infrastructure come from to provide everything they need?
More people means more mouths to feed, more strain on the limited housing market driving prices and inaccessibility up, more capacity required at hospitals, doctor’s surgeries, schools, all public services (meaning everything from more doctors, nurses, consumables, locations, etc needed), and so on.
Where does the money come from to provide for the net influx of 500,000+~ people a year, a population increase of some 0.75%?
I’m not against immigration, welcoming people from other cultures with fresh ideas and outlooks on life is great and I love it, but the strain it places immediately on our already failing societal systems, such as healthcare, education, housing availability, job availability, etc, is very real, and needs to be addressed.
He refuses to update the identification info for contributers? Why? It’s the least they can do for people who offer their time and expertise for the project.
Presumably he’d be happy to do so if they got married and changed their name, so it sounds like he’s probably a transphobe, right?
So old that it wasn’t a video at all, it was a Macromedia Flash Animation!
Video hosting sites didn’t really start to exist until Stage8 had a go with their DivX stuff, and eventually YouTube popped up a few years later too :-D
This is fucking sick, I love it.
I bet the spinning is noisy as hell haha, imagine if we made these really quiet so we could put them in a glass container and use them for neat stuff!
Maybe we could pull a partial vacuum in the container like we did with CRTs to help minimise air resistance noise inside, hmm…
I wonder if it’s English, or American English 😅
(Thank you for the tip by the way I had no idea!)