Except you just corroborated his claim
Except you just corroborated his claim
Once upon a time I would have said “Only if you win!” but the orange in chief has disproven that I suppose.
Technically you can nat punch with wire guard
They feel strongly about their perceived independence, and are often unhappy at the prospect of losing their seat at the Olympics, Miss Universe, etc.
It made them nervous for the same reason emulator devs don’t touch leaks with a ten foot pole, giving the megacorp any reason to argue your clean house reimplantation is anything but clean is just asking for trouble.
The best way I’ve heard it put is “dark matter isn’t a theory, it’s a series of observed problems with our current model”
I’m glad you made this reply on every comment, otherwise I might not have read it 40 times
You’re arguing against him by agreeing with him. He said that they only accept this election as fair and the previous one as completely illegitimate, those are elections run by a Democratic administration and Republican respectively. You’re talking past each other, it’s very funny.