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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: February 12th, 2024

  • Down boy. You are correct that I made an error there, talking off the cuff late at night about some of the coolest things I learned while actually getting an education in STEM. Water behaves in some really strange ways, such as being so slippery in solid form by maintaining a thin layer of liquid on the surface, or having vastly greater surface tension than other liquids.

    Go use your super powers to help people who are actually in danger, instead of slinging insults at random strangers who use one word wrong while discussing their interests.

  • Are you certain that’s how this actually works? Could it be that typical gender roles developed as they did because each of the sexes took on the roles they were suited for, and switching that up isn’t as simple as some would like to think?

    Personally I’d suggest that men tend to be more competitive, and therefore are more suited to the work environment where you’re fighting against various external influences of indeterminate nature, while women tend to be more empathetic, and therefore are more suited to the home environment where seeking consensus and cohesion is more important.

  • There’s been a concerted effort over the last several decades to push a men vs women dynamic online, and most men don’t buy into it, so it’s really just been people shitting all over men without consequence. Just look at the other answers here focusing exclusively on how men can be blamed (edit: many better replies have been posted since I made this comment).

    Quite likely pushed excessively by foreign propaganda.