Carbon, like water, is a very cool element which doesn’t fit nicely into the known laws of physics. Like water it is also one of the most important elements for the development of life as we know it.
Carbon, like water, is a very cool element which doesn’t fit nicely into the known laws of physics. Like water it is also one of the most important elements for the development of life as we know it.
Yup. It’s going to suck a lot.
That still won’t ever make their stupid idea actually function in reality. They’re far too dumb to directly control everyone’s lives.
You’re supposed to recognize their undisputed superiority and turn yourselves into automatons for their pleasure, having no other options available to you.
Of course that never actually works, as it always ends up with someone like Moses or Jesus figuring out that you can, in fact, live perfectly fine in this world without their economic systems. As long as you’re willing to deal with the natural world directly.
Man, blaming “patriarchy” bugs the hell out of me, because I’m from northern European backgrounds, and we’ve been perfectly fine with female leaders basically forever. Our societies are an equal partnership between men and women, each doing what they’re best suited for, but neither dominating the relationship. I know there are fucked up cultures out there which are run by men dominating women, but can we please stop trying to erase the fact that it IS actually possible to get along?
As a Celt, your assertion confuses me.
you are assuming that work is intrinsically competitive
That assumption is based upon the idea that working with a broad range of strangers means you can’t trust people specifically, so you have to work towards your goals. From that you will end up cooperating naturally with anyone who shares your goals, but you will also have to compete fiercely with those who have goals antagonistic to your own.
Wtf is that this nonsense about the sexes being interchangeable has gone uncontested in popular culture for so long. Even when it’s suggested that behaving that way is leading to a rise in mental health issues people are completely unwilling to even discuss the possibility there is something else going on here.
Why is the idea that all of human history before now being completely wrong such an unquestionable truth today?
Are you certain that’s how this actually works? Could it be that typical gender roles developed as they did because each of the sexes took on the roles they were suited for, and switching that up isn’t as simple as some would like to think?
Personally I’d suggest that men tend to be more competitive, and therefore are more suited to the work environment where you’re fighting against various external influences of indeterminate nature, while women tend to be more empathetic, and therefore are more suited to the home environment where seeking consensus and cohesion is more important.
There’s been a concerted effort over the last several decades to push a men vs women dynamic online, and most men don’t buy into it, so it’s really just been people shitting all over men without consequence. Just look at the other answers here focusing exclusively on how men can be blamed (edit: many better replies have been posted since I made this comment).
Quite likely pushed excessively by foreign propaganda.
Can’t speak for anyone else, but I personally like the feeling of two equal and opposite forces pushing against each other, cancelling each other out and creating a firm, unchanged, structure no matter how much force is applied. I do the same while doing squats sometimes, pressing hands together while descending, and it feels more stable.
Okay, I’ll admit I was expecting you to have a better reasoning for what you said than “we don’t know anything.”
Also, the three spacial dimensions are the x, y and z axis. Time is the fourth dimension of Einstein’s spacetime, which he did openly admit wasn’t quite the right way of looking at it anyways, but rather it was just the best answer he could come up with.
I mean. You aren’t wrong. Einstein went to his grave haunted by the notion that his explanation was missing something important, and nobody yet has been able to figure out what.
The simplest way I can explain it is that everything is always moving at the exact same speed, divided up between the three spacial dimensions and the time dimension. Light does not move through the time dimension at all, and therefore is always moving at full speed through the three spacial dimensions: ie. speed of light.
Like a limited ‘fake’ world edifice structured through legal fictions like money, debt and contracts, which attempts to assert that it is significantly more powerful and pervasive than it actually is, through stories like The Matrix, to instill a sense of hopelessness upon anyone who even considers not submitting to it.
It’s literally propaganda straight out of the Chinese Communist Party’s playbook, and useful idiots repeat it for them.
Be careful of joining in on overly-broad generalizations.
It’s going to get the most toxic elements from twitter. Social media just isn’t cool anymore, like it was back when big sites first developed. They were already overwhelmed with users reporting each other almost as soon as people started moving there.
Largely because it’s very obviously being used as a political propaganda tool, and any criticism at all is being treated as a horrific crime. Often by the same people who are viciously aggressive in their criticisms of otherwise quite ordinary segments of society.
Speak No Evil
Dammit OP. You had ONE job.
Down boy. You are correct that I made an error there, talking off the cuff late at night about some of the coolest things I learned while actually getting an education in STEM. Water behaves in some really strange ways, such as being so slippery in solid form by maintaining a thin layer of liquid on the surface, or having vastly greater surface tension than other liquids.
Go use your super powers to help people who are actually in danger, instead of slinging insults at random strangers who use one word wrong while discussing their interests.