I’ve heard a great aphorism about this topic in that the national religion of Japan is “being Japanese”.
I’ve heard a great aphorism about this topic in that the national religion of Japan is “being Japanese”.
Copeland told 1819 News, which published the report on his 62nd birthday, that his online alter ego was a harmless “hobby” that did not go beyond his home.
“The only moral crossdressing is my crossdressing”
I experienced the same thing in DSP. There’s something super creepy when you’re floating on a gas giant and also on the dark side of the star with no light. It’s like you’re in this void while you’re subjected to cosmic forces far bigger than yourself.
I experienced something similar going to the gasy planet in Outer Wilds too. I highly recommend it if you haven’t tried that game yet.
You’re entirely reading what you want to read out of my words, and then promptly applying some vague label as if you’re somehow the most enlightened yourself. As if, probabilistically, we both aren’t in very similar circumstances being here this very moment in the system that you seem to so despite.
There is definitely a small set of powerful, rich, and influential people who “benefit”, but I don’t think it’s a pyramid of nefarious overlords so much as it is just a large web of people acting on their own interests.
The same could be said for people with crab mentality. They are acting on their impulses, values, and opinions, born from likely unfortunate circumstances, when they drag their immediate others down. They aren’t thinking about holding society back at large.
Plus, quite often things are the way they are because of historical inertia. It’s why historians place make such a big deal about continuity. For example, many laws we have can be traced back to some series of awful events that happened to a set of people. But those awful events were probably caused by yet another set of awful circumstances.
If you’re looking for some group of people to blame for all of your woes, you might just become a fascist.
I mean many on the right truly want a homogeneous race of citizens. That’s not mutually exclusive with cheap, undereducated labor.
Eff that. After getting the Steam Deck I am officially done with hacking and jailbreaking all these handhelds. No more worrying about firmware versions and the security arms racing.
Lol, I read that as Costco Rico
This is what I’m afraid of too. And it’s entirely within the realm of possibility, and likely too because he’s seemingly incapable of accepting public loses. He’s going to do something, anything in response.