This is the answer. Clear, concise, and correct,
Find me on Mastodon too.
This is the answer. Clear, concise, and correct,
Keep fighting the good fight against ignorance and illiteracy!
It’s buggy. Submitting a post sometimes takes half a second, and sometimes it takes 30 seconds. Logs show a plethora of errors. The Docker container will eventually crash and restart. It’s all part of the Lemmy instance admin experience.
No options to collapse/customize side panels.
UI doesn’t refresh after saving settings.
Settings aren’t sticky from page to page on occasion.
If I could code I’d pitch in and help. Heck, I’d learn, but the documentation is pretty sparse.
It’s designed to keep the prongs from collapsing or extending during manufacturing and shipping.
When it’s someone else’s dumb thing it’s better for sure
Stardate 4
Backblaze is a great backup solution. They publish drive stats and even show you the hardware they use.
Welcome to the fediverse!
Definitely search for the communities you are interested in and click subscribe. There may be several similar communities on different Lemmy instances with different rules or vibes. Also, if the subscribe button says subscribe pending, you can ignore that.
Lemmy is amazing to be a “knight of new” as it were because the cross-talk, noise, bots, etc are just not there like they are in reddit. I’ve found communities I never would have known about.
Keep in mind Lemmy is very actively developed. If you do end up staying with Lemmy consider tossing a few dollars to the devs. I’ve always found the devs courteous and approachable when I’ve encountered a bug.
You’re good. Being a smaller engine though, I wouldn’t go much past that.
That’s the advice that I was looking for! Buying now.
Baldurs Gate III is mighty tempting…
It’s confirmed here on Firefox on instance You should file a bug on the lemmy-ui GitHub.
Edit: If you don’t want to or whatever let me know and I will be happy to do so.
No, not unless the mod/admin takes extra steps.
Try using or as the external DNS in your router for testing. Does it work then?
Also, you may have DNS cached somewhere. You can flush your Windows DNS cache by typing ipconfig /flushdns
in a command prompt.
There is some scientific research suggesting that the Milwaukee Protocol is ineffective and that the patient’s own immune response was mostly responsible for clearing the disease, as she presented with antibodies despite not having been vaccinated.
I was just going to share this episode too!
Subscribe pending and joined pretty much mean the same thing right now. I think it’s a bug but I’m not sure. I do know that Subscribe Pending instances work.
Old posts aren’t federated. As new posts roll in, they’ll start appearing.
I setup my lemmy log to go to a file as opposed to the console. Then it’s searchable, archiveable, etc.
spawn(newTimer, 1000)
Someone wanted the Milton life.