The fact that Windows devs seem to not know how to run tasks hidden and in the background always bothers me. I’m sure it’s the fault of Windows itself, but Linux doesn’t open jack until I tell it to. With all the extra helper programs needs in the tray to run all the proprietary hardware, I about lose it with all the shit popping up to yell at me.
And that’s why if you’re in that position, you should have already shared your public key with them long in advance and your private key stays encrypted on an air-gapped laptop running Tails + CoreBoot. The message stays encrypted and you’re the only one with the physical device and knowledge to decipher it.
But that all comes down to security vs convenience. I’m super glad passkeys are starting to become available in a lot more places. They’re super convenient and if you use a password manager responsibly with a hardware key, they’re just as secure as the locks on your house.
Which is to say, not very, because ultimately nothing beats a $5 wrench.