It’s probably because we stink of unique chemicals and microplastics that make us easy to identify.
It’s probably because we stink of unique chemicals and microplastics that make us easy to identify.
What, no love for the Kentucky Fried Console?
Elmo wants people to be poor, uneducated, and more religious…
Exactly. And arrest Santa and do away with those pesky elves while we’re at it.
I’ll tell you a little secret.
99% of all the junk ever made came out of Santa’s bag. If you just shove all that junk back in the bag and destroy the bag, problem solved! 👍
Hahaha! I needed that laugh today! 😂🤣
He’s not stupid, he went back to his home planet, cuz Earth is fucked and he knows it.
This is basically code refactoring on a simplified level. You’re basically renaming a whole bunch of functions/tokens at once.
Let’s say you’re renaming the variable ‘count’ under the method ‘buttplug’. First off, what do you rename it to?
You start by replacing every instance of buttplug.count with a unique token, let’s say tnuoc.gulpttub.
Then you replace that buttplug with a unique buttplug.
Uhh, we’re not exactly doctors here, but I don’t recommend eating soap. But hey, you do you.
Maybe try some Pepto Bismol or something…
Scammers be spoofing random phone numbers every single day here in the USA, I assume they do so in Canada too…?
And I could say Elon and Trump are old news. Sure, fuckit, let’s just let all the oligarchs get rich, take control, and steal all your data at the same time.
Or like NOT!!!
Don’t forget, eat the rich, and fuck the oligarchs.
There’s nothing old about how shitty Reddit has become when nothing has changed since Reddit went public. Run by a greedy CEO, shitty admins, shitty mods, full of ads and bots, and now getting data scraped for AI training.
To suggest this is old news is to suggest people should just forget about it and move on. Welp, nothing has changed, people haven’t forgotten, and if anything, Reddit has gradually been getting even worse.
Act like I signed up for my data to be scraped?
Well Lemmy tell you a story…
Signed, practically all Lemmings
People that occasionally make that techno-like ‘untz untz untz’ sound from their mouth.
It’s not so much ‘creepy’ though, but it starts to trigger my gag reflex. To me, it sounds like a cat trying to vomit…
Very sad timeline we live in…
Read my edited comment.
No, I’m not exactly okay, my old bank and past employers all fucked me on getting paid.
You get a check? Like, those paper payments?
I haven’t found one bank or establishment that’ll cash any of my former employer’s checks in over a decade. They tell me the companies I worked for aren’t registered as trusted employers/check issuers.
My past employers all had to cash their own damn checks and hand me cash money. And that’s largely why I quit repairing computers, tablets and phones back in 2017, apparently all the tech companies here are shady, to the point even their own banks don’t trust them.
Wish I knew what it was like to have an honest employer…
Edit: I was even denied direct deposit from my own bank. Why? Shit, even the bank manager didn’t know. So I closed my bank account and have been on paper cash money for about a decade. I have no reason to trust banks that won’t even let money be deposited into my account.
Just throw away all your money and live like half the rest of us, broke. If you have no money, you have nothing to tax.
Some people just have the knack, interest and understanding for certain subjects. Math, being mostly deterministic, can be really difficult for many, while some just happen to understand what’s going on.
Now, I wasn’t into financial math, but I did start learning the basics of geometry, trigonometry, and even the basic fundamentals of Calculus, all on my own, at the age of 10. I was also learning to respoke bicycle rims at home, so the subjects of circles and trigonometry were especially of interest to me at the time.
By the time the school bothered even starting to cover these subjects, I was already writing my own 3D graphics rendering engine at home. My Calculus 2 teacher told me that when I first came into his class, I already had a fair good understanding up through Calculus 4.
TL;DR - Some people struggle to simply memorize things, while others tend to just understand things.
I don’t doubt you a bit. You may or may not have the Palmaris Longus muscle, but apparently that doesn’t seem to matter. I do have said muscle though.