Bit difficult when you’re paying one part time worker $50b a year.
Bit difficult when you’re paying one part time worker $50b a year.
The other mistake everyone makes is “agile = faster and cheaper” . This results in corner cutting and unreasonable deadlines.
Dear China,
Please stop selling more shit than us or we will have to nuke you.
Yours sincerely, American corporations.
You respected Israelis a year ago? Please catch up.
They’re brown.
Aiding and abetting criminals.
The confusion only arises if you assume that the US is a force for good in the world.
Social housing is the solution. Why invest in ubi without investing in social housing. Break the renter class.
Netanyahu wouldn’t know moral clarity of it took him roughly from behind. He’s a murderous fascist leaving a gangster government.
Imagine the outcry of the Chinese airforce flew around in the Caribbean?
So he supports illegal occupations. Interesting.
So the NHS would be better off if more people just died and didn’t waste your dad’s time. Nice.
The problem is Crowdstrike, not Microsoft.