Mob boss wannabe using mob boss wannabe tactics to pretend he’s solving anything, completely ignoring the facts around him
Mob boss wannabe using mob boss wannabe tactics to pretend he’s solving anything, completely ignoring the facts around him
You disagree with me? Then you dont know as much about this subject as I do because if you did, you’d agree with me
Thank you for making my point for me
That is my point, tankies and far right are the same thing
Wicked is also godawful and not a wonder item didn’t break anything except it’s own legs
Disney released a new and original movie?
When? Back in 2000?
Yes, but that would be a bad thing
Your body is flushing all that water into your intestines because it detected something bad and decided to get rid of it fast. The longer the bad thing stays, the worse, so it just firehose blast it out.
If you keep it in, first you’ll have to deal with the increased pressure, not good for your intestines. Then your body will have to deal with whatever it is that is bad for you.
Better just go to a bathroom and a doctor if you’re still having it after 2 days
True, though Hitler for sure was more intelligent than trump
Yeah, far right says the same and I’m not buying it from them either
Yeah that’s just horseshoe theory with extra steps and gymnastics to be able to say that far left is okay, really, they never do anything wrong, trust me!
Unless they do as tankies ARE the far left
It’s a personal thing, I guess, but Microsoft UI designs (to me) look all god awful crap permanently stuck in 90’s computer UIs.
Every time I see teams or -gagh- outlook, I have to vomit a little in my mouth, its just off putting.
I don’t like google either but at least their UI mostly feels nice
Then there is apple, but usually the “keep it simple” is way, WAY pushed too far.
The solution to that question is easy. Your premise is faulty; there is no such thing as a god or gods. They’re man made ideas and there is literally zero evidence to support any god exists. There is loads and loads of evidence that each and every god has been created by humans.
If there is such a thing as a god anyway, it is beyond what can ever measured and it also never interferes with human life or any physical process. In that case, it may as well not exist as it literally doesn’t do anything, making the question moot.
Yeah horseshoe theory is an actual thing and it shows hard here on Lemmy. Same lies, same taxticts, different extremists.
Good luck trapping the SIGKILL signal
Mind you that a lotmof that no longer works
In the past traffic could be routed over whatever. If one node went down, the traffic would go over another
Now we have a few very fast backbones and if even one goes down bye bye internet
What you have cached locally or on your doesn’t count because it’s only that which you’ve seen before.
Reddit said so because it’s CEO is known to be a greedy bastard who threw everything and everyone Bunder the bus for money. Luigi would not approve
Did you read either article that you posted?
The first literally says there is a RISK of that happening (and the why’s of that risk being utter nonsense), yet the title sounds like doctors are just sitting and waiting with a syringe to stab any random patients that come by. It’s bullshit
The second is exactly the same with one difference: it has a link to an article talking about a SINGLE doctor at veterans affairs apparently suggesting it, and veterans affairs basically punishing the doctor for that.
So I’m sorry, but both articles make it sound like the Canadian government can’t wait o murder you while in reality there was one single doctor who didn’t follow protocol.
I’m sorry, but the argument isn’t supported by facts, this does not happen
Dear god are you really that naive? The Russian government WANTS this, not to topple itself but to stay in power as they can now control the narrative. You go home hungry? It’s America’s fault. Your son died in a senseless war? Well America is invading us and he died a heroes death
As trump has shown; people will support anything stupid and ridiculous as long as they’ve been told it’s their best option
Want to organize a protest? Good luck, now that all forms of encryption have been removed and we see all messages
I’ve never even seen polymer based tea bags.
Where would they sell that crap? Lemme guess?