What does that have to do with my original statement.
The fact thats only as far back as you went is sorta my point.
Yall dont remember before that, when Trump last was president as well, the crowds getting kettlepotted and gassed out, the peaceful crowds getting dispersed just so trump could take a photo op?
And it’s up to the people in the 50 State’s National Guard, and law enforcement, and the military to decide between the constitution and fascism.
Okay but you do remember we were here before and the national guard and law enforcement extremely made it very clear who’s side they were on… right?
The fuck is protesting going to do at this point, lets be real here. Why do you think a protest has any sway of the bulldozer that is happening in the US Legal system?
Protesting is just not gonna accomplish much, a little bit more than that is needed I think.
I mean it matters here, as it’s literally the topic being actively discussed by the person who literally asked, so obviously it matters to them lol
Sure but my point is, if it was the scenario you described, then Elon would be talking about the right kind of denormalization problem.
Denormalization due to multiple different tables storing their own copies of the same data, in different formats worse yet, would actually be the kind of problem he’s tweeting about.
As opposed to a composite key on one table which means him being an ultracrepidarian, as usual.
Okay but if that happens, musk is right that that’s a bit of a denormalization issue that mayne needs resolving.
SSNs should be stored as strings without any hyphen or additional markup, nothing else.
It’s more likely though it’s just a composite key…
Eyup, it’s intuitive overall but there’s just weirdly some people out there that are all or nothing, and don’t understand “right tool for the job” lol
Like I said, in the scale compared to actual high frequency data though, that’s still be infrequent.
High frequency DBs are on the scale of many queried per second
Even with tonnes of data scientists and engineers querying the data, that’s still in the scale of queries per minute, which is low frequency in the data world.
They probably do use lots of NoSQL DBs too, which perform better for non relational “data lake” style architectures where you just wanna dump mountains of data as fast as possible into storage, to be perused later.
When you have cases where you have very very high volume of data in, but very low need to query it (but some potential need, just very low), nosql DBs excel
Stuff like census data where you just gotta legally store it for historical reasons, and very rarely some person will wanna query it for a study or something.
Keep in mind when I talk about low need to query, the opposite high need us on the scale of like, "this db gets queried multiple times per minute’
Stuff like… logins to a website, data that gets queried many times per minute or even second, then sometimes nosql DBs fall off.
Depends what is queried.
Super basic “lookup by ID” Stuff that operates as just a big ole KeyValuePair mapping ID -> Value? And thats all you gotta query?
NoSql is still the right tool for the job.
The moment any kind of JOIN
enters the discussion though, chances are you actually wanna use sql now
Adding inline documentation to symbols, such that the LSP will display ot when you interact with them.
Code comments on stuff, “Use this method to x, params do this, returns that, throws this” etc etc
For those of us using the tools, actively, it doesn’t seem to be a bubble.
For a lot of us it’s already showing tangible measurable productivity increases, primarily on boring stuff normally we’d hate doing.
As an example, I use it often to help with documenting my code, it’s really good at summarizing what my code does abd making clear, legible, professional documentation for all my code.
That sorta stuff would normally take me hours and hours to do, now it takes about 1.
I still proof read it, but a lot of my typing and formatting and humming and hawwing is gone.
There’s a lotta shit like that out there getting streamlined more and more every month that goes by.
I think it’s maybe 50/50 bubble and actual value. Lots of garbage “products” vaporware out there by people on the bandwagon.
But also a lot of the tools truly are useful to folks.
Here’s the direct link to the paper: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41562-024-02067-4 And they shared their code used to query the data here: https://github.com/geocomplexity/SwoCMetaURL/blob/main/Code.md
I’ve been looking for th8s for awhile too.
Not a locally run tool, but a self hosted web app (that I wire up to my self hosted db) that has a web portal I login to, and then can manage my db with a nice slick UI to define tables, relations, etc.
There’s been some I’ve found but they vastly lacked basic features and were clearly in very early beta.
I use Hugo, it’s not super complicated.
You basically just define templates in pseudo html for common content (header, nav panel, footer, etc), and then you write your articles in markdown and Hugo combines the two and outputs actual html files.
You also have a content folder for js, css, and images which get output as is.
That’s about all there is to it, it’s a pretty minimalist static site generator.
Hosting wise you can just put it on github pages for free.
Dunno why ppl are down voting you, this is 100% the way.
Architecture as code is amazing, being able to completely wipe your server, re-install fresh, and turn it on and it goes right back to how it was is awesome.
GitOps version controlled architecture is easy to maintain, easy to rollback, and easy to modify.
I use k8s for my entire homelab, it has some initial learning curve but once you “get it” and have working configs on github, it becomes so trivial to add more stuff to it, scale it up, etc.
The constant deluge of headlines talking about how apparently voters are “calling” for him to step down and so on, repeatedly repeating it as if its something everyone wants, is weird.
The total lack of headlines about how trump literally just said a bunch of outright lies instead is fucking insane. Every news piece is obsessed with “Biden should totally step down” instead of “dude this other guy trying to be president just sat and outright lied for like an hour straight during the debate, lol wtf”
The propaganda engine is churning and people upvoting and reposting all this shit are fueling it.
Its extremely likely a sizeable chunk of people spreading these posts and absolutely inundating the front page with them left right and center are part of that propaganda engine, so take it with a grain of salt.
I dont give a shit of Trump has been lying every day since day one, we need to keep repeating and pointing it out every single time, as exhausting as it is, because the moment we get bored and tired of it, the lies start to become truths.
What I’d like to see is the front page covered in “Fact Check: Trump lied about x, the truth is y, here’s info on it”
This “biden isnt stepping down” thing ISNT NEWS, its inherently reporting that a thing didnt happen which is as far away from actual news as you can get.
“This morning we are glad to report that the moon did not fall out of the sky, more on this at eleven”
Garbage journalism. Stop supporting it. Downvote this shit.
Might wanna read it again, it’s right there :)
The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams.
It’s an incredibly critical part companies love to completely ignore.
If you assign devs to teams and lock em down, you’ve violated a core principle
And it’s a key role in being able to achieve these two:
Agile processes promote sustainable development.
The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely.
This is talked about at length by the likes of Fowler, who talk about how locking devs down us a super fast way to kill sustainable development. It burns devs out fast as hell.
Note that it’s careful not to say on the same project
API is just the term for “the surface of something that’s been exposed to you to interact with”
Libraries, websites, tools, etc all have APIs, it’s just the general term for “this thing has something we can interface with”
A library is a bunch of code someone else wrote.
A package is when you use a tool to bundle up a library to make it easier to distribute to other people, usually adding a version # to it, and adding it to so.e popular package manager network so millions of people can find your package easier.
A framework is a term for a very big cohesive library, with an advanced api, that does a whole bunch of different things that all have stuff in common. Basically a firework is a huge library that provides many many different things to do that all have stuff in common.
Game Engines for example are frameworks.
A library of tools to make a bunch of different website components that all work well together and have stuff in common is a framework.
Etc etc. It’s a bunch of code that doesn’t do anything in it’s own, but provides a bunch of modular pieces you can assemble into something.
Think of a framework like buying a big box of lego. It’s not anything specific yet, but you can assemble all those pieces together to make infinite different things.