Rich people travel 1000+ kilometres to gather around and pretend to be not rich and just like common folks! This is my understanding as someone who isn’t american.
Learning JavaScript for the frontend is an absolute must! Learn basics of modern js and then start learning c# or java for backend. These languages are great for starting out, have a big community of tools and people which will help you immensely and not to mention tons of job opportunities.
After that you can pick up some fe library like vue.js (personally i think it’s the best most intuitive. Saying that as a react dev).
Start building out as you learn tho. Don’t wait to complete learning. A simple note taking app with a good FE and a backend with features like auth and a sql db to store data will give you much more learning than tutorials.
Another part of the transcript reads: “Mainly I’m going to slave these bitches […] I’m going to make them work even more hours and hours and hours… I work these bitches like slaves. […] SLAVE work. Minimum 10 or 12 hours a day.”
Pieces of shit deserve to rot in jail. I hope he does for a long time and doesn’t end up back on YouTube and social media otherwise his braindead fans will say see he was innocent that’s why he’s back.
Win a tournament and have a man sexually harass you in return. Should’ve knocked that motherfucker’s lights out.
Thank you for answering. I understand this a lot better now.
Fuck! Now it makes sense to me. I thought it literally meant an interface. Thanks a lot for clarifying!
I don’t have much experience with setting up ci/cd stuff. But last time i tried Circle CI and it was really easy to set up and get working. I’m thinking of looking into GitHub actions soon though.
My answer is going to be a bit different but this is what worked for me. I tried many courses, reading books, trying to code etc but never quite understood data structures. I used to get bored halfway.
What worked for me is literally solving problems. I would pickup a data structure. Implement it in Java on my own with help from internet. Then i would solve 10 problems on it. Then move to next data structure. Once you have familiarity with most used data structures like stack, queue, maps, linked lists, arrays, trees, etc. then it’s time to move to algorithms like graphs, better sorting techniques, etc.
Some fucking greedy cunts at Google having a vision of internet being accessible only by “approved”(Chrome) browsers/clients.
Wow. That sounds so much simpler and better. I’m in India and it’s typically 4 or 5 interview rounds here of which there’s an online test, a leetcode round, an actual coding round, a system design and a hiring manager round. Almost every company here if you exclude service based shops have copied the interview process from big tech minus the big tech pay.
Employers here are notorious for underpaying people and this is why most pay increases only happen while switching. It’s insane. But the number of people/developers here is so much that you’ve little bargaining power.
I have to agree with you on the over engineering and layers of abstraction which stop making sense over time. At the same time I’ve seen people abusing the application context and try to reinvent the wheel in a worse way rather than using easy to read annotations. People care less about doing it the right way. Many who care about doing it the right way but don’t understand things well, go so far off the deep end that we end up with unnecessary abstractions.
Java is a great language but since most people work with it and most people don’t give a shit about best practices, we see messy java code everywhere. It’s an easy language to write shit code in.
The world is burning but no one gives a shit… i don’t think anyone will until literally their house is on fire.
I think you misunderstood us lol… we’re not saying your password will not get leaked by the app… we’re saying it’s gonna be unique and random bullshit generated so the hacker won’t be able to get to your other accounts since passwords are different.
If anyone’s looking for a free and open source option, Bitwarden is also great.
With capitalists squeezing labour more, it’s only a matter of time before unions become even more stronger. Their fairy tale chatgpt and boston dynamics aren’t gonna solve real world problems. They just keep saying it will to devalue our morals and so we accept a shit contract and shit pay.