You can still NAT IPv6
You can still NAT IPv6
Sadly political strikes have been forbidden here for a long time already.
This album, and this song in particular, I can hear as much as I want and not get sick of it.
Just all around fantastic.
Should have been thorough with it the last time. Would have saved us much trouble.
Well, I hope he has lots of coffee in that case.
It’s fine. Enjoy your off-grid traveling!
Since I see two of our Admins here: Update when?
On a more serious note: Tahnks for all your work of you guys too!
Good for you, Bozo !
Too late. No takesies backsies!
Despite being a major supplier of clothing to fast fashion brands, Bangladesh has one of the lowest minimum wages for garment workers in the world, which has remained set at 8,000 taka (£60) since 2018.
I’d wager that it’s rather because of their low wage that Bangladesh is a major supplier for fast fashion.
I hope the workers struggle will be successfull, even if the shop owners and governemnt will fight tooth and nail against it.
So the Holy Spirit is a Nazi? Good to know I guess.
They currently are in the process of building up branches in Boston and Vancouver though as far as I know.
Don’t forget the managers!
They never are and this attitude is what got us in this microtransaction hell in the first place.
They never are and this Attitüde is what got us in this microtransaction hell in the first place.
Warum du die wählen solltest, weiß ich aber auch nicht. Raten würde ich aber mal wegen der Radinfrastruktur vielleicht?